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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3

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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3.1

"Stop twerking, Kevin",

The said boy turned around, stopping mid in his twerking session. Smiling, I watched as he widened his eyes slowly, before standing up correctly, and took a hand in front of his mouth. Students around us stopped on their motion, as they looked at me with surprise, written all over their faces. 

Taking my gaze from him, I turn to the two boys besides him. "Minhoe and Chenle. I did not expect you guys to get together", I smirk, and make a kissing mouth. 

Suddenly I feel an arm around me, and the tight grip he had on me, made me realize it was my brother. "What are you doing, idiots? She's back", Yeonjun says, and the three boys unfroze. 

"We're not blind, motherfucker. We can see her clearly", Minho spits as he looked at Yeonjun with a cold gaze, before he softens them, looking at me. Moments passed, and suddenly he ran to me, and lifted me. 

With a giggle, I got put down, where he leaned down, placing his perfect lips on my forehead, gently kissing me welcome. Whispers went around my arrival, when suddenly my body got slammed by two others. Groaning at the sudden impact, I feel the warmness and love coming from their hug. 

"You're back!" Chenle screeched in my ear, which made me flinch, and I hit him slightly, as their grip around me loosen.

"Stop screaming", I laughed, before they pulled away to look me in the eyes. Then Kevin pushed the others, so he stood in front of me alone. He cupped my face, as I touched his long black hair, gently pushing it away, so I can see his perfect face. 

"Girl, we need to catch up", he laughed, and I nod. Just then the gay couple jumped on him, almost killing him, by their fits and weight. 

Laughing at the sight, I feel the feeling of getting stared at. Taking my gaze from them, I look up, meeting the all too familiar eyes. Clenching my jaw, I try to control my feelings - most my heart at the sight of him. 

Yeosang had again colored his hair, to the light blonde color, but he was still "short haired". He was handsome, I got to admit, but my heart was aching. 

'Contol yourself, Yeojin'

Yeosang looked at me, and I saw the different emotions cross his face, which I ignored. I saw him trembling, as he send me a little smile, before pressing his lips together, and leaving. A part og me wanted to stop him, and tell him I missed him, but I didn't. My mind was circling around one question. 

What were we?

He reached out for me, when I was in Japan. Message after message, I read them, crying with an painful and heavy heart, but I didn't answer them. 

I was afraid. 

The fear of love has taken it's toll on me, and I was not sure whether I should give him a chance or not. And even if I did, I should have talked with Yeonjun about it. Scoffing and shaking my head, I make my way to class, as the bell rang. 

Yeosang POV

"Yeosang", a familiar voice called out, as I was about to make my way to class. I turn around and bow slightly. 

Yeonjun walked to me, before looking up and down at me, scoffing. I held my breath, waiting for him to say something. Then he took a deep breath. 

"You have seen her right?" he asks, and I clench my jaw. Slightly nodding, he does the same.

 "I would really love it, if you stay away from her. I mean stay away", he says, and my heart felt heavier. 

"Yeonjun, I can't...", I start, but he stop me, by sending a stern look. Shutting my lip closely, I inhale more, a burning feeling in the air. I swear, it was like smelling his aura. 

"...but I won't. This is hard for me, Yeosang, trust me. From the day she came back, I heard her talk in her sleep. She mentioned you. I looked at her phone, and the thing that pops out first, is your messages to her", he looked uncomfortable, and I bit my lip. 

I thought she ignored them. 

"Yeojin may not show it, but she stills loves you. I'm willing to give you a chance to heal her broken heart", he smiles politely to me, and I felt tears brim up in my eyes. 

Collapsing on my knees, I put my head down. "Yeosang. Stop that", I heard Yeonjun panic, as I made the full bow, my head on the floor. I waited for good 5 seconds before I began standing up on my feet and looked at him. 

"Thank you", my voice was a mere whisper, and he nod. 

"I was wrong about you, kid", he said, before bowing himself. "I want you to be happy with her", 

I know, I said that there was only one chapter where we saw it in Yeosangs POV, but like I really had to do it like this. 

Do you guys want her to end up with Yeosang or do we have to yeet him away from Yeojins life?

We have 5 chapters to go + 1 epilogue, before this book ends. Thank you for the journey guys. 

I've made "friends" if you can call it that, and I hope you're not to sad, about this story ending. 


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