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Fluttering my eyes open, I look down myself, only to see my naked body wrapped in the blanket. My husband's arms were around it, holding me into him. Smiling at yesterday's memories, I close my eyes, enjoying the silent moment.

"Good morning, Mrs. Kang", a husky familiar voice said behind me, and I grinned at the name. Turning to him, so we could face each other, his barefaced shining by the early sunlight, I kiss his nose.

"Good morning, Mr. Kang", I say, making him smile. Taking a deep breath, snuggling myself more into him, I feel his breath on my hair. Yeosangs hand suddenly made its way under the sheet, and soon he placed his hand on my lower stomach, beginning to massage it.

Wincing at the pain, I feel him chuckle behind me. "You asked for it", he whispered, before kissing my neck, massaging lighter. Smiling through the pain, I nod, enjoying his little massage.

"I guess, I did", I lightly said, when he stood up, and took an underwear on. Then he sat down and opened his bag, taking some things up. Some time went by, when I suddenly hear water run in the bathroom and he came back to me with a glass of water and a pill.

"I didn't go all in. Remember we are meeting with my parents today", he sat beside me, winking, helping me up and sit. Chuckling, I swallow the pill. Swinging my legs out of the bed, a numb feeling in my legs, I stumble, making Yeosang notice, so he took my arm, letting them wrap around his neck, lifting me up.

Taking me to the bathroom, he placed me down in the bathtub, that was filled with warm water. "Shall I help the lady?" he asked smirking, as I hit lightly on the arm before I began washing myself, I already beginning to feel better at my lower parts.

Yeosang chuckled and left me alone, to take a bath, in the stall, and soon we were both done. Stepping out of the tub, I go in front of the mirror and begin to make myself ready. After some selfcare, I go to my luggage, and find a set of clothes.

If we were meeting his parents, I had to dress nice. Taking my phone, checking the forecast, I pick a dress, perfect and girly for the occasion.

Walking back to the bathroom, where Yeosang stood and brushed his teeth, he stopped on his actions to look at me. Rolling my eyes, putting a hand up to stop him, because I wasn't ready for any cheesy lines from him, I take my makeup bag out, and gave myself a light look. Brushing my hair, I decide to just let it be loose, since I wasn't in the mood to do shit with it.

My husband was already done, and when I stepped out of the bathroom, he gently, yet quickly took my hand, twirling me around, and planting a kiss on my lips. "You look good", he exclaims, and kiss me again.

Kissing him back, I furrow my eyebrows playfully. "When don't I look good?" I ask, and he chuckle.

"When you're mad",

I hit him, making him yelp in pain. Then I laugh and take his hand. Holding it, I took some time to admire our rings; the object that showed that we belonged to each other. Looking up to his eyes, that was as always mesmerizing, I finally looked away, and soon we were out the door, hand in hand.

People that went by us, recognized us, and bowed slightly. We bowed back, of course, and then we arrived to the car. As we sat in, and began driving, I began to write the address. "It's not that far away", I say, and he nod, as his eyes were on the road.

Admiring him, looking hot in his casual clothes, only with one hand on the steering wheel, I take my phone out to capture the moment. Smiling at the picture, I save it, and look at him, enjoying the sight in front of me.

"I swear, this is gonna be a kink of mine", I say, making him turn to me, his sunglasses pushed a little bit down.

"What?" he asks confused, as I scrunch my nose playfully.

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