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(Knock, knock)

I walked towards the door and opened it to reveal Nagito holding a plate full of food.


"Hey, Y/n.... I came here to bring you some food and to tell you what happened during breakfast," Nagito explained.

"Oh, you are? T-Then please do c-come in! You can tell m-me while I eat," I opened the door fully to allow Nagito to step inside.

"I can come inside? Thank you so much! To think that an Ultimate like you would allow scum like me-"

"Y-You're not scum..." I whispered loud enough for the luckster to hear.


"You're not s-scum so please stop reffering to yourself as that.... A-Anyways... you can sit on the bed if y-you'd like... I'll just sit on the floor since I'll be eating..." I crossed my legs and sat down on the wooden floor with the plate of food sitting on top of my crossed legs.

"Thank you for the food," I clasped my hands together and whispered before taking hold of my spoon and fork.

Nagito cleared his throat and began to speak, "S-So uhm... Byakuya decided that he would be our leader."

"H-He did? Well that's expected...."

"Not only that, we also went to Jabberwock park and we discovered a huge timer on top of the statue. "

"A timer? What is it counting down excactly?"

"No one knows..." Nagito shrugged followed by an awkward silence.

It's too quiet...

I looked up from my food and to Nagito to see that he was fiddling with his jacket.

He probably feels uncomfortable....

I should probably do something.

I cleared my thoat, "S-So uhm... Have any plans for the d-day?"

"You're interested...?" I nodded at his question, "W-Well actually... I plan on hanging out with Hajime at the beach..."

"Ooh! That sounds fun," I smiled.

"How about you, Y/n? Have any plans?" I paused for a moment to think.

What am I going to do?

It's not like I want to go outside...

My cabin is probably the safest place to be since I'm in a killing game...

Plus, there's even a tv and a bunch of cds here!

I could binge watch some shows/anime!

I smiled at my plan and opened my mouth to reply, "As a matter of fact, I do have some plans."

"And what might does plans be if I may ask?"

"I plan on staying here and just binge watch some shows," Nagito smiled at my response.

"Amazing! Even at such a despairing situation you still manage to do what you're best at, as expected of the Ultimate Shut-in!" I sweat dropped at his reply.

There's nothing amazing about my actions... and I'm pretty sure I'm just being ignorant...

I dismissed my thoughts and smiled at the beaming boy, "Thanks for bringing me food and telling me what happened during breakfast. It really means a lot to me."

"O-Oh... You don't have to thank me! I did it because I didn't want an Ultimate like you to be left out in the dark!"

"Regardless of your intentions, I'm still grateful."

(Knock, knock)

Our conversation was cut off by a knock on my door.

"Nagito? Are you here?" It was Hajime.

"Hajime? Yeah... Nagito's here..." I walked towards the door and opened it.

"Hi, Y/n," Hajime greeted to which I greeted back.

"Hello, Hajime! Sorry to keep you waiting," Nagito walked towards us.

"Oh, it's alright. Say, how about you hang out with us, Y/n?" Hajime turned to look at me.

"Thank you, but I actually have something to do..." I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly.

"Oh, you do? That's a bummer... Well, I hope you enjoy the rest of you day!" Hajime smiled and walked off with Nagito.

I waved goodbye to the two and closed the door.

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now