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After my early run-in with Chiaki, I did my best to spend the day acting normal. I went ahead and visited Nagito, who was just chilling inside his Deluxe Room.

(Knock, knock, knock)

"Come on in!" I heard the faint voice of my lover from the other side of the door. I gave the wooden door a slight push and revealed Nagito who sat on his bed, reading.

"Oh, Y/n! Didn't expect you'd be here," His eyes brightened at the sight of me as he closed the book and placed it on his bedside table.

"I wanted to see you," I stated and made my way to the other side of his bed.

"See me? Oh, I'm so honored! To think that someone like you..." I flinched at his words, which he seemed to notice.

"A-Are you alright, love?"

"Oh, y-yea..."

I can't help but remember how you treated me back in Towa City...

Nagito frowned at this, "Are you sure?" He tilted his head to the side, "You should sit beside me, come on! It's no use standing there, haha," he laughed.

I did what I was told and sat on the comfortable mattress. Nagito smiled at this and grabbed my hand, intertwining it with his, "Now..." He started, "what's bothering you, my love?"

I looked at his gray-green hues, "I...  I just had a horrible dream, that's all," I lied.

Nagito seemed adamant to know what was troubling me, "A dream? What was it about?"

I racked my brain, searching for an appropriate lie, "I-It was about you... You... You died," I feigned sadness, "you were murdered, and we had to hold a trial finding out who did it," I sobbed into my hand.

Nagito was shocked at my words, but nonetheless, tried comforting me.

"Shhh... It's okay..." He cupped my cheek so that I was facing him, "I won't die, okay? Especially since I have this wonderful person who's worried over someone like me," I blushed at his words.

"You don't have to be afraid, Y/n," he wiped a stray tear from my cheek, "I'm here... And that's enough." 

I chuckled, "you're so cheesy, Nagito," I playfully shoved him.

Nagito feigned hurt, "I'm offended," he placed his hand on his chest dramatically.

I laughed, my anxiety from today's events disappearing.

The luckster seemed to notice how my mood changed and smiled, "You look beautiful smiling like that."

"Huh?" I felt my face explode into multiple shades of red.

"W-What?!" I stammered, "I... uhm... Tha-Thank you," I lowered my head bashfully, "y-you're not so bad yourself..." I whispered.

"What was that?" 

"N-Nothing!" I dismissed to which Nagito let out a chuckle. 

"You know..." He placed his other hand on my chin, turning my head to face him, "I heard that," he smirked as he watched my blush increase.

"N-No you didn't!" I denied, "y-you shouldn't hear it! It's embarrassing!" 

"Oh but, Darling... It's not. In fact, it's actually flattering. To think that someone like you finds trash like me attractive," his face flushed a light pink.

He's on his hope ramble again...

He embraced himself as he began spewing stuff about hope. I felt a sense of nostalgia as I witnessed him with a small smile. 

He's just like how he was back in Hope's Peak...

After a while, he stopped and turned to me, "Y/n! Oh, how lucky I am to be your significant other. Just thinking about it feels me with so much hope!" 

I giggled, "I'm lucky to be your significant other, too," I gave him a peck on the cheek. 

As if wanting more, Nagito leaned in and clashed our lips into each other. My eyes were wide, not expecting his sudden action. It took a while to process before I closed my eyes and leaned in more, returning his kiss.

Nagito's hand let go of our intertwined fingers as it made its way to my cheek, slowly caressing it. The once innocent kiss turned into something more passionate, full of longing. His other hand trailed its way up my thighs and stayed there.

As if getting the hint, I repositioned my legs so that I was cradling him. My hands tugged at his fluffy, white hair, which earned a soft moan from my lover. I blushed at the sudden noise.

I felt his tongue on my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I smiled into the kiss and obeyed. The wet muscle entered my mouth, feeling every nook and cranny of it. 

Of course, like all good things, it had to come to an end.

We both leaned away, a thin trail of saliva connecting our swollen lips as we did so. Our cheeks were flushed as we gasped for air. The room was filled with silence.

"W-Wow..." Nagito breathed out. I couldn't help but laugh at his flustered face.

"Y-Y/n! Don't laugh...!" He playfully hit me.

"I-I'm sorry, Darling! Y-You're just too cute...!" I said between laughs.

After a while, my laughing ceased to a halt. I grabbed Nagito's hands and looked into his eyes.

"I love you, Nagito."

"I love you too, Y/n..."

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