Date ideas

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Darry: he takes you to a movie and to a homecoming game. He buys you snacks and cuddles with you. He came up to your apartment

Dallas: He takes you to bucks where you beat his ass in pool, years later he admitted to letting you win. You went up stairs to his room cuddled and ended up giving it away the first night.

Ponyboy: He takes you too the dingo and uses allowance he earns from Darry to pay. You go back to his place and watch a movie on the living room floor

Johnny: You and Johnny go swimming and have a picnic which you packed. He felt bad he can't take you somewhere else. You don't mind it was nicer than any other date you'd been on.

Steve: You and Steve drive to the city for a car show. He buys you dinner at a restaurant, he dressed really nicely. After he dropped you off at home you knew he was the one.

Two bit: he planned to go to the drive in but sadly had to cancel he had to babysit his kid sister. You ask if he wants help, he made you dinner, and even cleaned up for you. His kid sister kept saying how pretty you were

Soda: He borrowed Steve's car to take you to the drive in, once the movie started you knew something was wrong. Soda and you ended up opening up to each other and barely saw the movie after it was finished you went to the vacant lot to star gaze and cuddle

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