Chapter 6

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Yo haven't really got anything to say except that I that crappy drawing of Ayato is mine. Anyway I hope you like!

1 year later.

Doctors pov:

The children had gone on many more missions after their first one, some being worse than others, but each time they seemed to be affected less and less by the ordeal.
But I am confidant that i can break them
And recently I had gained some intersecting information that I could definitely use against them.

No ones pov:

The kids where eating dinner with Ann (the nice lady) again and they where talking about their plan.
Their plan that they had been talking about for 6 months... which was to escape. (A/N cringe I know) Ann had discovered a hole in the massive wall that surrounded the outside parts of the facility. The wall was small but that wasn't a problem because izuku could blast a hole through it since it's obviously a weak point.
Their plan was: while training when Ann walks past the into the dojo that would be the single to take immobilise the surrounding guards an scientists, then before anyone noticed they would rush to the part of the wall that had a hole in it so they could blast it open and escape.
The plan was simple but it should be effective.
They had planned it for the day when there was going to be a meeting with most of the staff so that less people where closer to the incident when it happens.
They all thought that the plan had a high success rate and where excited and happy that they had a chance to finally be free.

Ann's pov:

"Ok so do you kids know exactly what the plan is?" I whispered.
"Yes miss Ann." They said in an obviously board tone.
"Hey! Focus do you want to get out?" I whispered slightly irritated
They sat up slightly after I said that
"That's what I thought." I whispered smugly
"Anyway I need to go now so make sure that your ready tomorrow." I said before walking off going to my office where I was going to do some of more of the horrific work that they sent me.
While I was walking through the halls a voice spoke up from behind me "Ma'am the doctor is requesting your presence." I froze and turned slowly to see an armed guard who looked like he would shoot without hesitation (which he would) My shoulders sagged and I started walking in the direction of his office.

I arrived at the doctors office and entered.
"Ahh Ann nice of you to join us!" He said.
I noticed that it was just us in the room.
"Well Ann I just want to get straight to the point!
What are you and the children planning?......

Time skip to the kids free time.

Izukus pov:

"Wow I didn't know you could sing Izu!" Raimu exclaimed happily
I blushed shyly as i stuttered "W-well i had a friend who was really good at music so she taught me how to sing."
"Sing another one!" Yuri requested happily
I blushed and said "W-well alright. I think that this one is appropriate for tomorrow."

After the song had finished Yuki said "Wow you weren't lying about it being appropriate.
We laughed and I took requests for another 15 minutes before a guard entered the room and said "Free time is up brats so get out."
Yuri stuck her young out at him when he turned his back "Spoilsport." She muttered before saying "Anyway we should go and relax for tomorrow." We all nodded in agreement and went off to our rooms feeling happy

How naive we where.

The next morning we woke up to banging on our door.
I looked at Yuki in dismay "Surely he didn't choose a mission today?!"
"No I don't think so." Yuki said "But knowing him it could be anything."
We put on our uniforms before meeting up with the others and heading over to his office.
When we entered he said "Children so good for you to finally be here! I hope that you could enlighten me on the situation." He said menacingly before stepping aside and letting us see a horrible sight.
It was Miss Ann tied up in a chair beat up and bloodied, with her fingernails pulled out and a few toes chopped off.
"YOU BASTARD WHY?!?!" Yuki shouted angrily with his fist clenched.
"Ahh well one of my LOYAL staff overheard a conversation about some sort of plan between the five of you! So would you mind telling me what that plan is?"
We all stayed silent in defiance.
"No? Anyone?" He questioned before saying "Well if that's how it is then if none of you tell me now I'll kill her." He threatened pulling a gun out and pressing it to her head "YOU HAVE FIVE SECONDS! AND DONT EVEN TRY TO USE YOUR QUIRKS BECAUSE I HAVE THE GUARDS WITH THEIR GUNS POINTED STRAIGHT AT YOU!"
We all looked down at our feet
I was trying to think of a way out of this
Damnit there's not enough time!
Shit! If I don't do something Miss Ann will die!
I looked around to see Raimu crying after shouting at him
He smiled evilly "Well? Would you be so kind to tell me what your plan is?"
"W-we where planning to escape through a hole in the wall." She muttered while looking down and crying.
"Ooooh there's a hole in the wall?! The security team must be slacking! Well thank you for telling me." He said smiling
He then turned to Miss Ann and said "I have no use for traitors!" He snarled before......


There was a big hole in Miss Ann's stomach.
We rushed forward to Miss Ann trying to see if we could save her already knowing that it was too late.
"B-but YOU SAID THAT YOU'D LET HER LIVE!" Raimu screamed at him
He just walked away before turning back and saying coldly "I said no such thing."

Hey I'm sorry that this chapter is shorter and worse than the others but I was rushing. Anyway I hope you liked it and can someone please tell me why people answer questions when they get tagged because I genuinely have no idea?!

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