Shake The Rust

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I walked not so calmly back into the conference room. My feet were itching with a desperate need to get going. There was no way in this universe I was possibly not going after Zara. I came closer I could hear shouting, arguing. All the other heirs were waiting outside looking bored. I poked my head inside too see them bickering.

"I know where my sister is," I announced.

They all stopped and looked at me curiously.

"Zach! Where have you been? You ran off and I was so worried," said my Mom.

"I went to see the Ancients, then I.."

I trailed off suddenly, how was supposed to explain the pictures she sent me?

"What? Then you what?" Asked my Dad.

"I discovered where Tenebris took them, it's way out to the east, where the wolves live," I replied.

The older claws froze, I mentally sighed. Here comes some more backstory that I didn't know because I had been turned into a human for thirteen years.

"Zach, the wolves and claws don't exactly get along very well," said Nepal.

"yes, our rivalry goes way back," replied Jamboree.

"What happened?" I asked.

(AN: backstory!)

Jamboree started, "It all started a long time ago, the claws had just been separated into three. If I remember correctly Serrano was chief at that time, things were quite a mess since everyone moved out. They were left completely defenseless. The newly made claws traveled far and wide looking for a suitable place to live, the Blood-claws had found Sound quite easily and were busy settling in. The White-claws journeyed for months before we discovered the lush and tranquil forest of Lynmark. It was peaceful and rich in prey. Then the wolves came, they had decided Lynmark was theirs and fought of for it. Today it is known as the battle of Ravens, so named because there was no order or strategy, only war. The White-claws were driven from our home, thank Glamora we managed to come across a sheltered hollow we call Haven. The wolves are ruthless and cruel, and the White-claw will gladly join your quest in order to exact revenge upon those who forced us from our home," She finished her speech with a growl.

I stared at her with a newfound admiration. That was quite a story, I still needed to convince my father to let me go.
"so we know they are eastward, but not where, they could be anywhere in the five wolf packs," commented Regulus.

"Their at the Wolf's Haunches," I informed.

"How do you know this?" asked Mom.

"Um, I also saw those mountains as well," I said quickly.

"Then we must organize a team-"

"please, please, please! Let me go Dad, I need to do this," I pleaded.

"No Zach, I can't allow you to do this, It's to dangerous," he rebuked.

"please! She's my sister! You know if you don't let me I'll find a way go anyway!"

Nepal sighed, "yes, I know I just don't want to lose both my children,"

"Zach, we love you both so much, we can only imagine how hard this must be for you right now," said my Mom.

"That's why we're letting you go-" answered my Dad.

I whooped for joy, yes! Finally, I couldn't wait.

"-But you have to travel with other claws, we're not letting you go off again like that horrible running away incident," He finished.

Great. Just wonderful, traveling in large numbers was safer, but unbearably slow. I growled, but I was still happy to finally do something besides sit on my feathers all day and count the time. I smiled and trotted out to acquire the vital items I'd need.

Finally, I was coming.

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