Rising Evil

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They all stared at me expectantly. I took in a shaky breath, realizing what I had just heard. This was going to be quite a shock.

"Who?" Asked Jamboree.

"Oh, okay," I breathed, if I didn't say this right it was going to make me look really bad.

"So, there is this... darkness. His name is Tenebris, um, it's not important how he got there, but I think he possessed one of the claws there. It was so chaotic all he had to do was slip away," I explained.

"So your saying some lowly shade has taken captive a claw and our children?" Inquired Regulus.

"That's what I'm saying," I said. "Though he's not a shade, you know the origins of Coniurantum, right?"

They nodded.

"He said he was part of that original darkness that covered the land, I think he's aiming to take over the world, and other villain stuff," I finished.

"But why?" Asked Annabeth.

"I don't know, I think it's just in his nature,"

"Zach, you can't be serious?" Gasped my dad.

"I am serious, you have to let me go after him," I stared straight at my father.

All of a sudden Jay burst in. "Stop! Chief! Nepal! I need to tell you something, the Great Beasts are returning to earth!"

"What?!" Gasped Arietty.

"Young claw, what is the meaning of this?" Fumed Jamboree.

"Jaysen, slow down, what are you trying to tell me?" Asked Nepal.

"The Prophecy of the Four, it's about to come true," he said.

"What is this prophecy?" Asked Regulus.

"Yeah?" Inquired Arietty.

Jamboree coughed, and we all silenced to look at her.

"Long ago, a meðal-claw named Nightwatcher delivered the Prophecy of the Four, how the reincarnations of the the four Great Beasts would return to Coniurantum in order to defeat an unstoppable evil, then he was sent onto exile," she said.

"You exiled my grandfather?" I gasped.

"Just great! Now I have to deal with that old hoot again!" Miffed Nepal.

Arietty bopped him on the head. "he's also my father you birdbrain!"

"Who told you this?" Asked Kennon.

"Excelsior, the greatest meðal-claw that ever lived," explained Jay.

"What's the prophecy?" Questioned Ocaso and Annabeth simultaneously.

"It goes like this,
When the four have reached their fourteenth year, their cursed spells shall disappear, they will take up to the skies, far away from jeering eyes, but evil strikes from Ice-claw paws, as the end nearer draws," said Jamboree.

"Is that it?" I said cynically.

"Wait! The Blood-claws received the same one, there's more to it than that. Of blood and bone they shall relate. One is bound too close to fate. One destined to cause raze. The other only just to graze. One is victim to her wraith. All will falter down her path," replied Regulus.

"Is that it?" I asked again.

"No!" Yelled Jay suddenly, his head whipped towards me. His sightless blue eyes had adopted that creepy glow again.

"It that normal?" Questioned Jamboree.

"You have no idea," I rolled my eyes.

"When the sun is mostly drowned, knowledge comes from deep in ground.
Fire, Ice, Earth, and Air, all will feel her deep despair. With power comes the will of fate, Of fur and feathers comes too late. Try to find the one that died, knowledge is the power inside," he then proceed to collapse again.

There was a heavy silence as we reflected on his words. 'Her' was mentioned several times, signaling maybe our new possessed victim was female.

"Has anyone seen my apprentice? Oh, there he is, did he predict another prophecy?" Said Sarah, walking in and pulling Jay onto her shoulders.

"I'm going to keep him in his bed this time..." her voice trailed off as she walked out of the room carrying Jay.

What in Glamora just happened?

So I was at BestBuy, with all the little gadgets sitting out for people to try, so I went onto WattPad and created an account for BestBuy, called BestBuyReader. If you ever find yourself at BestBuy and want to go on WattPad, PM me for the password.

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