The Haunting Past

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I was suddenly back at that horrible mountain. The screams of fighting claws and the scent of blood hung in the air like a suffocating carpet. I had frozen completely in fear at the sight before my eyes.

It was me, only, not me. I could still remember the icy coolness that filled my chest when possessed. The fur on the back of my spine rose up and I let out a soft growl. Past me took his first swipe at Zara, connecting with her muzzle.

I saw the blue flash and understood. that was when our Magyk broke. It was our bond that cracked when I spilled her blood. I turned away, not wanting to see this part, and suddenly remembered Arroyo. What exactly happened to him? If Tenebris was going to capture him my best bet was to stay around him.

I spotted him still unconscious, a feet away from where past posses me and Zara were fighting. I was surprised when Kennon came running up.

"Oh Glamora! Arroyo I'm so sorry," he exclaimed, scooping his brother up and dragging down a tunnel I hadn't been down before.

Kennon pulled his bother into a warm hollow that reminded me of the Ice-claws Meðal-den. An older, tan colored claw turned head to look at them.

"Sandy! I need help, something's wrong with my brother," Kennon gasped.

Sandy's brow furrowed and he placed a paw over Arroyo's heart. Then proceeded to check him over, which led to him doing something strange. Pushed to one side was a pot of gray dust, Sandy took a pawful and spread it in a circle around Arroyo.

"What are you doing?" Asked Kennon.

"Just watch boy, I've been doing this far more than your have," he rasped.

Once the circle was complete he took another dashed and sprinkled it on his forehead.

"This is sacred ash boy, it comes from the very ground where Ignis, the Great Wolf, once walked," he said.

The ash ring suddenly lit with fire! Kennon and I jumped back in surprise. Was it supposed to do that? He started jumping around, trying to douse the flames.

"Stop! You'll break my concentration!" Gasped Santiago.

"He'll burn!" Kennon exclaimed.

"No he won't," insisted Sandy.

Kennon paced worriedly while Santiago sat quietly of serving the flames. They suddenly leapt and turned black, inside the circle Arroyo cried out. Sandy doused them with a wave a his paw, while Arroyo remained unconscious. The old Meðal-claw looked deep in thought.

"As it seems, your brother has contradicted Moon Illness, he actually managed to pull out of the trance early, but at a terrible cost. It's left him weak and exhausted, he'll be feverish and sleepy for the next few days," he finally said.

Then came that feminine scream, and I dashed out of the Meðal-den. Rushing past the newly inhabitant Ice-claws, I spotted a claw writhing in pain. I don't know what her original fur color was but it had changed slowly to black. Aha! This was the newest victim of Tenebris' treachery.

She suddenly sat up and dashed through the crowd of fight Ice-claws. I gasped and saw her lay a paw on my sister. Zara suddenly disappeared and the she-claw ran towards the meðal-den.

Zara just dissapeared! How am I supposed to track them now? A loud yell from inside the den told me she had struck again. I yelled in frustration as the world around me swirled and I was back at the clearing. The trees looked at me curiously, my reaction was upsetting for them.

"Zachariah, what is the problem?" One asked.

"I came here looking for my sister, I wanted to see if I could find her location, but I didn't get anything!" I cried.

"Are you sure about that?" Another asked.

"What are yo-"

I was cut off as a flow of Magyk suddenly bombarded my senses. It was Zara! The sheer power of it almost hurt, but it was message. I telepathically got a clear picture, of a mountain chain, the head of a wolf, and the mouth of a cave. Zara was telling me where she was!

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