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I shut my eyes and lay still. The red wolf came and sniffed me, then lost interest and stalked off. I pricked my ears and picked up on a conversation a little whiles off.

"Did you see the one over there? He bears the mark," one whispered.

"Shakira will have his head, everyone knows the prophecy-"

They were cut off as a much louder and clearer voice sliced through the clearing. I jumped, the wolf was right above me.

"You there, I know you're awake, get up and explain yourself!" I felt a rough kick to my ribs, and I gasped.

With my cover blown, I stood and surveyed my surroundings. We were surrounded by roughly ten wolves, standing besides me and growling was a pure white female with blue eyes as cold as diamonds. The fur on my shoulder fluffed up, and I yowled at her. She slammed her paw to the ground and barked back.

"Stand down, now, explain why you're on my territory, and I might just let you live," She growled.

My ears flew back, and I held my ground. The rest of the group was getting up now, but they kept quiet.

"I'm looking for my sister," I hissed.

"Does she too, bear the mark? I can see you are only half of one whole, don't take me for a fool boy."

"What? What mark? All I want is my sister," I gasped.

I heard murmurs of surprise form the surrounding ring. I stared at them hopelessly, would someone just spill, please? The white wolf, who I'm guessing is their leader, and probably the mentioned Shakira from before, chuckled.

"So you are ignorant? Good, I know you carry two curses, one of death, and one of destiny, if you do not know by now, well, it's not my problem," She barked.

"What do you want with me?" I asked.

She opened her mouth, then stopped, turned around, and marched from the place.

"You're coming with me, no questions asked, Dakota, contain them."

A black wolf, her second in command took the lead and the circle tightened.

"You can't order us around, I'll just fly away!" I taunted.

She turned around sharply, and stared into my eyes.

"Fly with what? You're about as flightless as a fish!"

I gaped at her and ruffled my wings, about to respond with another retort. Then Kennon whipped his wing at me.

"Don't say, a word, the side of Coniurantum has been away from Magyk so long, it's inhabitants have lost sight of the sacred gifts from the Great Beasts, they can't see our wings. Just play along," he whispered.

A reddish wolf to the side of me stared at us. His coat was red and his eyes sparkled green like a four-leaf clover. I ignored him, but something seemed off about this one wolf.

Still fuming like a storm cloud, we were led back to the wolves camp. Before I could enter, Dakota stopped me.

"You're not going anywhere, none may enter marked with death, it brings bad luck," he said.

I hissed and sat down, then noticed curiously the red wolf from before stopped as well. And I went back to ignoring him. My friends walked warily into the camp, without me.


I had been very confused from the moment I woke up. I could hear everything, it was a tad bit hard deciphering what the sounds mean't when you can't see. But I remained quiet, and listened, this is what I'm good at. I could smell their fear. When Zach mentioned he was looking for Zara, the Alpha's fear scent grew rapidly. For some reason this scared her.

The wolves were edgy of Zach, he was too worked up to notice. And on multiple occasions he was being called Marked One, something in the name tied a fear of my friend together in the minds of the wolves. Except for one, I could hear him, he hadn't said anything yet, but he was curious. There was something off about him. The rest of the wolves seemed synchronized with the Alpha, except for him. My thought's were distracted as someone jabbed me.

"Oi, what's wrong with you're face?" It sounded like a wolf.

Stareing at him, my ears pricked. I couldn't see him, but I could hear him. I lashed out, and smiled when I hit something, and the wolf squealed.

"Now there's something wrong with you're face," I replied, hissing.

Beside me, I could hear Annabeth and Ocaso chuckling. I listened, and I scented the air. With the eyes of astonished wolves on me, I stood a little prouder.

The scenery changed as the grass and dirt beneath my feet became hard rock. The sound bounced quicker, and it smelled damper. I was in a cave. The Alpha was sweating, nervousness radiated off her like wind from a bees' wing.

"Your are now my prisoners, make yourselves at home, 'cause you aren't leaving anytime soon," she growled at us.


My friends had been gone for hours and and I was starting to get worried. I paced back and forth while the red wolf stared at me.

"Are you really the destined one?" He finally said.

"I have no idea what that means!" I gasped in frustration.

"You haven't heard the prophecy?" He asked.

"If I had heard this prophecy, I would know why I'm here," I breathed sarcastically.

"It's been in the wolf culture for centuries, originally given to us by the great wolf Lupa, it goes like this. The marked one comes, seeking kin. A path of air, does fire win. The joining comes
nearer still, Lupa's fate, runs to nil."

"Who is Lupa? I always thought the great wolf was Ignis," my anger forgotten due to confusion.

"Come with me, we'll talk about it over some food, I imagine you're hungry," He walked off, and my stomach growled.

"Wait! I never got your name."

"Feurige, my name is Feurige."

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