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word count: 421

Danni pov:

We all sat in the waiting room. They took Tanny to operate on him, I was pacing back and forth praying he will be okay.
Danni: "Please be okay, it was a minor tap. No biggie right? Right guys?"
Riley: "He literally has internal bleeding Danni"
Matt: "Way to make him feel better"
Riley: "Well I'm not going to lie to him"
I felt broken inside, my closest friend is suffering while we are just sat here doing nothing. I never felt completely useless in my life. I just want him to be okay, begging god he will be okay.
It been hours since they took him and Matt was trying to keep me calm while Riley was trying to be realistic. Every time a nurse or doctor walked in, I get scared they are coming to tell us we lost him but that is never the case, it just them taking another patient.
Matt: "Danni, DANNI"
Danni: "Hi? Yes sorry"
I didn't notice it was the doctor that took Tanner in standing with Matt and Riley. I walked over apologizing.
(Author note: i only remember how mental hospitals work. don't really remember hospitals that much)
Surgeon: "Well good news and bad news. Good news is that he's fine, we got him stable and managed to fix what caused the bleeding"
Matt: "Okay so bad news"
Surgeon: "Well sir, he isn't responsive."
Danni: "Oh god I cant hear this"
Matt: "It's fine come back"
Danni: "I'm coming okay i'm calm."
Surgeon: "I can only allow 2 people at a time to go in"
Matt: "You and Riley can go, it's not really my scene. You two are closer"
Danni: "Okay, that's fine. You're gonna sit out here?"
Matt: "Yeah, I'll be fine"
The surgeon led us to his room, there laid our Tanny. He looks peaceful, almost like he was having the best sleep.
Riley: "Hey buddy, nice to see you here. Well not nice but I'm glad you will be okay."
Danni: "Yeah, heard you just need to wake up, wish you would do it now but I know that can't happen"
Silence fell amongst us as we both sat on either side of him. Just want to have him back, never thought Ill never hear his voice when Im with him.
It was an sad aura in the air, could be just the hospital or just us. But it is really making this hurt a lot more than it should. We have to wait.

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