Chapter One > P R O M O T I O N

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"Congratulations, Miss Alcantire, you have been promoted!"

Loud applause erupted throughout the small break room, accompanied by cheers and whistles. I felt my heart flutter and smile grow wide as my best friend, roommate, and boss Aloy hand me my all-access key card. She was grinning wide as well, towering over me in all of her Terran glory.


I had been working at the Emerald City Docking Bay for merely half a year when I was promoted, my hard work definitely appreciated. I've been subject to inspect each and every vessel that enters the Emerald City Docking Bay (or the ECDB for short) for anything that could be against our guidelines. Most of the time it's drugs and alcohol, which I usually ignore unless I know the substances are fatal, or I'm having a particularly boring day.

My promotion didn't change my work much, other that getting an all-access key card which I can legally unlock any vessel in the bay, getting a raise, and being able to choose my work hours.

My coworkers love me (probably because I cover their shift when they have a massive hangover) but nothing comes close to my roommate Aloy. She's a tall Terran with a hot temper, and a much too high sex drive. She also happens to be my boss. We share a small flat right next to the ECDB, so our commute to work is easy.

I enjoy working at the ECDB, considering how easy the work is compared to the pay, but I still feel as if I could be doing much greater things. Usually you end up working this kind of job if you were a burn-out.

When I turned 14, I was told that I had been specially chosen from my tiny planet to attend Aurora Academy. I was more that excited.

At the academy I was top of my class, only missing one percent of targets on my pilot stream exam. Most of the other students either ignored me or treated me like I didn't belong. After all, I was the only Yolronian to attend Aurora Academy. On top of that I wasn't a ceremonial child, therefore I didn't have parents, and my appearance was rare even among my own species. I didn't mind the staring, at least I didn't look like everyone else.

Unfortunately, nobody chose me during the draft, I'm not really sure why. I tried to see if anyone needed another pilot but nobody wanted anything to do with me.

So I started a new life at the ECDB.


Today has been a pretty normal workday. I was walking out of the break room after my lunch break typing in my uniglass my report for the day, when I accidentally ran straight into Aloy. "Whoops sorry Ay" I quickly apologized.

"No worries, girl. I was actually looking for you. Before you get wrapped up in another inspection, I have have some great news. We have the rest of the day off! Security is shutting down the entire bay. Something about a gas leak, I'm not really sure."

"Sweet, I have a ton of work to do so I'm just gonna resign to the office for the day"

"Awww Cass I was gonna invite you for drinks! Then again you hate alcohol anyways."

"Sorry Ay."

"No worries hun. I'll be home late, love ya!"

"Yea, see you later" I quietly replied.

As she walked away, all I could think about was how drunk she was gonna be when she got home. I sighed in exasperation, longing for a hot shower.

If I want the good ship before they shut down the bay, I need to book it. I thought. So I sprinted in my newly polished leather boots (a congratulation gift from Aloy) around twists and turns, until I found it.

"Gamma Promenade" the sign read. Aka the ECDB's extended-stay docking sector. I ran towards my personal favorite ship when a monitor above stopped me. Six pictures flashed quickly in a pattern. I recognized some of the faces but I couldn't put my finger on why.

That was until I read the text.

Tyler Jones
Scarlett Jones
Catherine Brannock
Zila Madran
Finian De Karran De Seel
Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth
Reward: 500,000 credits per fugitive

Wait a second... I went to school with them

Small world

I continued my walk to the old rusty ship in Berth 9, using my key card to access the sleek interior.

I've been 'borrowing' this ship for the past two weeks, only because of its epic shower. I know, I know, I could easily use my own shower in the flat, or even the ECDB's locker room. But the water bill here is crazy high and don't even get me started on the lack of cleanliness in the locker rooms.

My boots echo loudly in the familiar white corridor before I finally reach the bathroom. Once the door slides shut behind me, I breath a sigh of relief. I find my off-day clothes hidden under the sink right where I left them, and begin stripping my uncomfortable work clothes. Eventually the bathroom is filling up with steam when I step into the luxurious shower.

Not only is this thing huge, with about a million different shower head options, easy temperature adjustment, and the option to play music (my personal favorite), it is equipped with every kind of product you could think of.

I began sudsing my royal blue, hip length hair with the mint scented shampoo, sighing as I massaged the pain out of my scalp from my hair being in their usual double buns. After making my hair soft with conditioner, I scrubbed the dirt from the day off with a strawberry scented suds.

As I was rinsing the thick pink bubbles off my body, I felt the ship lurch forward, hard and fast. I slipped and slammed into the shower wall before landing on my soapy hip.

"That's gonna leave a bruise" I winced. I stood quickly and rinsed the rest of the soap off my body before shutting off the water.

I dried myself and dressed quickly as I could. Careful to remember my little bird necklace (another congratulating gift from Aloy) when I stepped out of the bathroom, I heard a few voices in the distance. I combed my fingers through my still-damp hair as I walked back up the hallway.

The doors opened, to reveal five disruptor pistols pointed at my head. The even crazier part was the people pointing them were five of the six fugitives I saw earlier.

I sighed heavily before saying the one word I could think of.



Authors note-
Uhhh heyyyy! I know the chapter is a lil short but don't worry I'm planning on making the future ones longer. Also I suck at writing so feel free to be as harsh as you'd like. Thanks!

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