Chapter Four > G E N T L E

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TRIGGER WARNING! Light theme of abuse (not the whole chapter obvi just a small part)

All is quiet in Zero's cockpit as I keep watch. I've already told Finian to go back to sleep once, and fought with Tyler (again) for him to let me stay. He obviously didn't have the energy to put up with my stubborn attitude and went back to sleep with the others.

The doors swish open for the third time tonight, and in walks the Jones Twins. Scarletts eyes are accompanied by dark bags, and I'm pretty sure she's half asleep. Tyler is slightly more composed, and he has a thick blanket pulled over her head and around his neck like a cape. They share the same confused expression when they see me curled up in the pilot's chair.

"I thought you were showering," Scarlett says.

"That's Aurora." I reply

"I told you," Tyler croaks at his sister, "she never leaves that stupid chair."

"Sounds like Aurora is done." I stand, making my way towards the twins. Scarlett snickers at him.

"Fair enough," Tyler grumbles.

I brush past them, and make my way to the bathroom.


I'm in the pilot's chair, relishing in the serotonin I'm getting from flying the Zero, gently guiding us towards the looming Hephaestus Convoy.

The convoy, growing closer in front of us, is a massive mess of old ships ranging from mildly used to scrap metal. Every ship is pulled by a smaller tug that is marked by the Hephaestus Incorporated emblem.

"How are we look- don't touch that Scarlett." I say, "how are we looking, squad?"

"We are almost ready." Zila transmits from the airlock. She is securing Finian, Aurora , and Kaliis' suits to do a spacewalk right to the infamous Hadfield.

Tyler takes over the comms from beside me. He is seated comfortably in the co-pilot's chair, and he has cleaned up quite nicely since I saw him last. "All right, we're almost good to go here. The tac-comp and I have been analyzing their security flight pattern, and there's a gap in their sweep every thirty-seven minutes."

"We are still twenty-five hours from the convoy's destination at Picard VI" Zila speaks over the comms, "Their security should not be on particularly high alert."

"Agreed-Most of them are flying on autopilot, but don't take that as an invitation to dwadle." Tyler says, "Get in, get what we came for, and get out. Anything else is a bonus."

Personally, I'm hoping that "anything else" doesn't happen. It's basically code for Aurora and well... whatever she can do. Finian is going to download the contents of the black box located inside the remains of the Hadfield, and Kal is going for protection.

"The Zero has stealth mode engaged, and her cloaking tech is top-shelf, so we're not going to show on any of their scopes." Tyler continues, "But these people still have eyes to spot us. So make sure you don't draw any attention to yourselves."

"We'll be in position in ninety seconds" I announce. I click play on my blaring music and push the ship forward.

"Do you have to listen to that thing so loud?" Tyler yells.

"Can't fly without music, Sir."

"Opening the outer door in ten seconds." Zila announces.

She presses the command and the door opens, and Finian transmits "Time check, Caspian?"

"Fifteen seconds" I announce, "Ten, nine, eight..."

I adjust the ship's controls and point the open airlock towards the Hadfield.

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