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You see on the top right of the picture it shows a yellow circle (tracks how much gold you have) and a purple droplet (also known as elixir which tracks how much you have also.) Right under the elixir and gold tracker is a green diamond which is known as gems. You can get some for free... or you can buy them (which I have never bought any.)

If your a beginner your probably wondering what these gems do. Well they are what everybody wants! They can rush upgrades, give you elixer and gold, boost Barack training...and pretty much everything. I recommend not using gems for much except buying builders because it helps me a lot!

If you buy gems you will usually not be looked upon as a good player... because it will be very obvious if you bought gems. And if you do buy gems you will be referred to as a gemmer.

•How do I get free gems?•
Well look at the picture above it shows something's called a gem box. You have to pay a certain amount of elixir to remove it from your base (a base is the place where all your stuff is at like th and builders.) Once it gets done removing (usually takes 30 seconds) you will get 25 gems! Another way to remove gems is to remove trees, bushes, logs etc. from your base. Which will usually get you 1-10 gems.

~I hope this helped!~

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