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"you see, i need to be here" i smiled at peyton after i had finished explaining why i was here. "what about my dad, he's going to think we're doing something" peyton said, in a little bit of a gross tone. "hey gary" i called out as peyton's dad appeared. "can i stay here tonight" i asked him. "yeah sure, are you sleeping in here or you can sleep on tommy's room since he's not here" gary offered. i looked back at peyton. "he's sleeping in here" peyton told him. i smiled as gary left. "now go get changed because i'm tried" she instructed me.

i came back into the room, i didn't have a top on because i don't tend to sleep with tops on. "alright come on then" peyton said as she patted the empty bed beside her. i smiled and jumped onto the bed. "okay calm down harvey" she laughed. i then lay down next to her. we both lay there looking at each other. "god you're beautiful" i smiled. peyton rolled her eyes as she snuggled up to me. "god why do you have to be so hot" she asked as she giggled a little. "why do you have to be so cute" i asked as i stoked her hair a little. we lay there cuddling, peyton was a little bit uncomfortable so we decided to move. "harvey" she asked, i nodded and looked at her. "can i paint you" she asked, i nodded.


i headed to harvey's house, i knew i needed to be fast and quick to get to harvey's bedroom. i came closer to the house and my palms began getting sweaty, i took some deep breaths before walking down the drive. i open the door and quickly move through the house. i look at the doors, the last one i come to is the blank door. the door harvey told me was his. i pushed the door open, i noticed a bunk bed and max laying on the bed. i shoved over the door. "harvey" max quietly said as he turned to face me. the room was very dull and i couldn't really see but i could tell he was gonna say something "shh" i said quietly before walking over to the bed.

i sat and explained everything to max. "what about my dad" he asked, sounding a little concerned "harvey only told me to get in here" i told him. i saw him jump down from the top bunk and walk over to a dresser. he started going through them and found some trousers. "put these on and get in bed" max told me, sound a little concerned. he went over to the door and locked it, i never knew they had a lock. i quickly got dressed and climbed into bed. "face the wall and pretend to sleep" max instructed. i was a bit curious about what was happening but i did as i was told. someone then tried to get into the room. they banged on the door "max open this door" a mans voice bellowed.


i suddenly had a notion to paint, the only think i could think of was to paint harvey. i got out my painting set and a medium sized canvas. i took my paint brush and looked at harvey. he was jokingly doing a sexy pose. "come on harvey be serious" i told him. he laughed and then sat seriously. "peyton" he said a little bit into our painting session. "yes harvey" i asked, he looked at me. "do you actually like me or are we just like friends" harvey asked me. "i like you harvey, i just have a weird way of showing it" i smiled. "just cause you sometimes make me feel as though i mean a lot you, but other times you make me feel like i'm you're friend" he complained a little.

i stopped painting as looked at him. i walked over to him and looked down at him. "what" harvey said as he looked up at me. i smiled and leaned down. our lips connected in what is only our second kiss. we kept kissing until i heard the door open. i immediately pulled away and looked at the door. i saw my dad standing there "i'm just going to say goodnight" my dad smiled. "okay dad night" i smiled at him. "you two have fun" he smiled a little as he closed the door. "shut up" i shouted. i turned back around right as harvey pulled me onto the bed. "now where we're we" harvey smirked a little. i smiled and grabbed his face, pulling him closer as i resumed our kiss.


my dad kept knocking on the door. i unlocked it and opened it only a bit "yeah" i sleepily said. "did harvey come home" he asked, i nodded. "yeah but he's out cold, just exhausted" i told him. "i need to speak with him" my dad said, i was trying to make sure you couldn't see tommy laying in the bed. "i think you're best leaving it until morning, he's just crashed" i smiled a little at him. "just let me in max" he told me. "look dad, i'm really tired can i not just go to bed and we can do this in the morning" i asked. then i felt an impact on my body as i was shoved to the side. i stumbled over a little and regained balance as i watched my dad look at harvey. "maybe i will come back" he told me as he looked at harvey peacefully sleeping.

he quickly left, i shut the door and locked it. i sighed and looked at tommy who was now sitting looking at me. "your dads a dick" tommy told me, i nodded. "your telling me" i asked, i walked back over and hopped onto the top bunk. "you have to quickly leave tomorrow before anyone else wakes up and get harvey from your house" i told him. "yeah i know, it's not that hard" he told me. "did you not hear the part about being away before anyone wakes up" i asked him. i saw his silhouette shrug "what so like 9" he asked me. "i like with like 100 children that all wake up before 7" i told him. "shit, we better get some sleep then" he told me. "yeah that's what i'm trying to do" i laughed as i turned around trying to fall asleep.

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