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i did feel quite bad about exploding at peyton, but she should have accepted that i didn't want a girlfriend and move on. she just had to keep going on and on about it and it just irritated me so much. i didn't understand why she had to be so intrusive. "what was that about" harvey asked as we had left the house. "she was just being annoying" i complained as we started walking. "no she was just trying to be nice, just tell her no once dont blow up at her" harvey told me off. "right just shut up cause you don't know what you're talking about, you're just so infatuated by her you can't help but defend her" i got angry as well. "you don't know what you're on about" harvey screamed as he pushed me. i pushed him back. then he attacked me.

we were fighting on the ground, tossing and tumbling in the mud and rain. we both got in a few good punches until i couldn't stand back up. "i'm not trying to be a dick" harvey said as he stood up "just stop being so fucking rude" harvey said as he walked away. i lay there in the mud, feeling angry and upset. i hit the ground as i stood up, not wanted to go home as i knew harvey would go there. i headed the opposite way, i didn't exactly know where i was going but i knew i just didn't want to go home.


after max and harvey left i decided to go to my room quickly. i was sitting on my bed, playing with a fidget toy i found. i got really bored quickly and decided i was going to go for a drive. "peyton i'm going for a drive, you want anything" i asked as i entered his room. "no i'm fine thanks" she smiled and i nodded. i left the room and went outside. i found my car and got in. i started driving and saw someone at the side of the road. i didn't think anything of it until i saw who it was. it was max. i beeped my horn and pulled over. "get in" i shouted at him. he didn't hesitate before opening the door and entering the car.

i noticed that max was covered in mud and looked a little bashed. "you alright" i asked, he nodded. "yeah, just got in a fight" he told me, i was a little shocked. "with harvey" i asked, he nodded. i didn't know what else to say so i just kept driving. "it's bullshit" max blurted out, i raised an eyebrow "what is". "i... i don't know" max mumbled a little. "come on max, you're like a little brother to me, no matter what you say you're not gonna make me feel any different" i told him. there was a moment of silent before max started rambling.


i sat in my bedroom, tommy had left and obviously so did max and harvey. i decided to phone harvey, i knew his number and it wasn't that hard considering my dad had given me a phone in my room. i dialled harvey's home phone number and it started ringing. someone answered "hello" i called out. "hi" i heard a voice call from the other side. "harvey" i questioned " yeah" he answered back. i smiled "hey, it's peyton" i told him. "oh, hey peyton" i sensed him smiling. "i just wanted to see how you are, also i'm kind of bored" i told him. he laughed a little "yeah, i'm okay, had a bit of a fight with max though" i told him. "oh, you two argue all the time, he'll be fine" i told him. "i don't mean an argument, i mean an actual fight".

me and harvey talked for a little while longer before he had to go, something about his dad. it wasn't long before tommy came home, he came into my room and lay down on my bed. "never guess who i just saw" he told me, i raised an eyebrow. "who" i asked "max". i was a little shocked "did he tell you what happened between him and harvey" i asked, he nodded. "harvey gave him a right beating" tommy told me. "harvey sounded quite guilty about it though" i told him. "yeah i mean, i hope he would be".


i was having a nice talk on the phone with peyton when my dad walked over. you could smell the beer off him just as he walked in. "off" he told me as he hit my head. "okay, peyton i've got to go" i told her. "i said off" my dad said again as he hit my head again. "yeah it's just my dad, he needs my help" i told her as my dad got angrier. "yeah bye" i told her as i hung up the phone. i went to walk away but my dad grabbed me back. "listen, if i tell you to hang up. you hang up" my dad shouted at me. i nodded "you're so fucking rude" he told me as he shoved me against the wall. i fell to the ground.

i made it to my bedroom and curled up on my bed. max walked into the room and jumped up on the top bunk. we sat in silence. i wanted to apologise for fighting but i could sense the angry from him. "max" i quietly said, he grunted. "i'm sorry for blowing up at you" i apologised. "i'm sorry for fighting you as well, i don't know what was going through my head" i told him. "i think dads just getting to my head" i told him. "but i don't want to put the blame on anything, it was my fault, i was the one who attacked you and i am responsible for it so that's why i'm apologising" i apologised to him. he didn't say anything but i had tried the best i could go apologise.

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