TOMMY"what" i asked, more shocked than anything. "we can run away" she smiled at me, i looked at her confused. "who's to stop dad from coming after us" i asked her, she shrugged. "i won't let him get to you" she assured me. "okay, just say we do how are we going to get money to actually live" i questioned her, trying to find a hole in her logic. "we can work, odd jobs and you can play guitar and sing" she smiled at me, looking at me. "okay okay and so again let's just say that works aren't we going to get sick of each other" i asked, she shrugged "what if we bring someone else" she asked me, i raised my eyebrow. "who" i asked.
"harvey" she suggested, i shrugged. "but if you're bringing harvey you should also bring max" she was discussing it with herself. "that's only if they are in" i piped up "trust me, they'll be in" she smiled. "okay okay, so we're actually going to do this" i asked, she nodded. "i'm up for it if you're up for it" she smiled at me. "we just need to get max and harvey onboard" she winked at me. "what are you going to give him your virginity to convince him" i joked, peyton laughed a little. "oh come on i was kidding" i smiled at her and she laughed a little more. "it's fine, we'll convince them and then we can leave, get out of this shit hole" peyton smiled at me.
max explained to me that my dad had left for some 'me' time. this wasn't the first time he'd done this and probably wouldn't be the last. i hated him and i'm glad he'd left. me and max were tidying up the house while everyone else was out at the park. there was a knock at the door and i went to get it as i was the closest. i opened it to see peyton and tommy standing on our doorstep. "harvey, we're leaving" peyton told me. i looked past them and saw tommy's car, seeing the some bags in the trunk.
"you two have to come with us" tommy told us as he paced back and forth in the living room. "but what about our mom" max questioned, both of us sitting on the couch like two kids getting told off by their parents. "look, who cares about parents or fucking anything, it should be just us four, against the fucking world" peyton told me, kneeling right in front of me. i looked into her eyes, she really wanted to do this. "fine, i'm in" i told her. all of our attention now turned to max. "so?"
"fine, fuck it i'm in" i said after a few moments of them staring at us. granted i didn't want to completely abandon my family but i hated the thought of these three not being in my life even more. "right, get packed... only essential things and you need to be quick" tommy told us, rushing us slightly as we stood up and raced to our bedrooms. like tommy said i only packed the essentials, a few pairs or underwear and a few different changes of clothes. everything else we can get when we're away. i couldn't actually believe we were doing this.
i threw my stuff in tommy's trunk. "let's get the show on the road" tommy smiled as we all got into the car. i sat in the front with tommy and peyton and harvey sat in the back for kind of obvious reasons. "gotta get the right tunes" tommy smiled as he put in a cd, turning it up very high. the music blasted through the speakers and tommy smiled. i laughed just a little as he started the car. we had no clue where we were going but i knew this was going to be fucking awesome.
we all screamed the lyrics of the music at the top of our lungs, this was one of the happiest moments of my life. i knew that this was going to last a lifetime. i loved all three of these boys so much and i never wanted anything to happen to what we have. they're the only reasons i have survived my life this long and i knew that we all cared about each other in such deep meaningful ways.