HARVEY"i knew it" tommy smirked, we suddenly broke away from our kiss and looked at max and tommy. "how long have you been standing there" peyton asked. "just walked in" max told us. "i knew you had a thing for my sister" tommy smiled at me. "don't let us interrupt you" tommy laughing slightly, he walked round us and sat down. "okay this has just turned kind of weird" i said as i turned around to face max. "we should probably be heading anyway" i smiled, turned around from the barn. "aren't you going to say bye" tommy asked, "bye" i smiled as i turned around to face them again. "okay byeeee harvey" tommy said as he mimicked peyton's voice. "whatever" i laughed before we both walked away.
me and max got home, there was a car sitting outside that we didn't recognise. we both have each other a worrying look and proceeded into the house just assuming it was someone our mom knew. max opened the door and we walked into the house, one after the other. i looked around for anything abnormal, i couldn't see anything. "mom" i called out, a man appeared. we both instantly recognised him "dad" max asked. he smiled "hey boys" he kept smiling. we both smiled back a little.
once harvey left, me and peyton just went out separate ways. i phoned my girlfriend and she said she'd come pick me up and we could go out. i got my shoes on, knowing she wouldn't be very long. i grabbed my denim jacket and opened my bedroom door. i walked down the hall and into peyton's room. "i'm going out with my girlfriend" i told her, he nodded. "have you told dad" she asked me, i shook my head. "i'll tell him as i'm leaving" i smiled and walked over to her window to watch for my girlfriend.
i stood there for about 10 minutes before i saw my girlfriends car in the distance. "right i'll see you later" i smiled at peyton as i left her room. "dad, i'm going out" i yelled, he appeared at the top of the hall. "who you going out with" he asked, it was clear he had been drinking. "just some girl" i told him, he started walking closer. "is it that girl you keep going out with" he asked me, i nodded. "god, why do you always have to fuck off places" he asked me. "you're always out until god only knows what time with that girl" my dad told me. "i can do what i want" i told him. "not as long as you live with me" he raised his voice. "whatever" i scoffed and opened the door. "fine leave, but don't think i'm going to let you come back anytime soon" my dad shouted as i got into my girlfriends car.
me and harvey both sat in the living room, watching my dad as he took off his shoes. "are you two going to keep staring at me or actually talk" he asked us, laughing slightly. "talk about what" i asked, my dad shrugged. "anything" he smiled. you could sense the awkwardness, it was just weird. "well harvey's in a band" i told him, he nodded. "oh, that's great, what do you play" he asked harvey. harvey had a look of confusion on his face. "like the instrument and genre of music" my dad asked, laughing slightly at harvey. "uh... i play guitar... and... uh... we play... um... sort of... pop and rock" harvey stuttered over his words. "i thought you got rid of that stutter" my dad asked, harvey nodded. "we did but um... it sometimes uh... comes out" harvey stuttered.
we had a little conversation with my dad, harvey didn't talk much mostly because i think he didn't want to stutter. it was weird harvey's stutter came back, he managed to get rid of it. it obviously had something to do with our dad. "i have homework to do" harvey said without stuttering as he stood up and left. "i supposed you do too" he asked, i nodded. "yeah, a lot" i smiled and stood up and left. i wondered why he was here. he hadn't been here in years.
"dad you can't be serious" i asked as he barged into tommy's room. tommy was still out with his girlfriend. he ignored me and started packing up some of tommy's stuff. "dad you can't kick him out" i told him. "oh yeah, watch me" my dad said as he threw some clothes into a bag. "but why, why are you kicking him out" i questioned my dad. "because... because ever since your mother died he's been walking around with this attitude and i'm sick of it" he told me. "but he's just grieving dad" i tried to argue. "it's been 3 years, he needs to get over it. just like i did" my dad said.
tommy came home shortly after, he came in and walked straight to his room. i heard my dad moving about, like he was going to go into tommy's room. i decided to come out of my room to make sure nothing escalated. "out" my dad told tommy, throwing the bag and him. tommy sat on his bed with his hood up, over his head. "out now" he yelled. "get out" my dad yelled as he pushed tommy off his bed. tommy fell on the ground, it made a huge thud. tommy angrily grabbed the bag and left.