MAX"you what" i almost shouted, "shhhh" harvey said as he covered my mouth. "it just sort of happened" harvey told me, "like we were just talking and having a fun time and then she just sort of, you know and we just sort you, you know" harvey said, i nodded sort of understanding what was going on. "what about tommy? does he know?" i asked, harvey shook his head. "peyton said he'd kill me if he found out" harvey told me, i nodded. "no shit that's his fucking sister" i said as i pushed him slightly. "i didn't mean any harm, besides we both enjoyed ourselves" harvey smirked a little. "that's not that point, what about when we have to go over to theirs" i asked him. he clearly hadn't thought about that.
me and harvey had to go over to tommy's. harvey had band practice and tommy would kill us if we weren't there. harvey nervously knocked on the front door and gary answered "harvey, nice to see you" he smiled as we both walking in. "peyton and tommy are in the barn" gary told us as we walking in. we both started walking out to the barn when harvey stopped about half way down the backyard. i turned to look at him, giving him a wondering look. "i don't think i can" harvey said, sounding panicked. "harvey" tommy yelled, we both looked over at tommy. he smiled and waved at us as he walked closer. i looked at harvey who was white as a ghost. "harvey its fine, just breath" i told him. harvey nodded slightly as he started taking deep breaths.
harvey and max came into the barn. "right come on harvey" i told him as he was not even paying attention. he sort of came back into reality and grabbed a guitar. i sighed as i counted down when we started playing. something really didn't sound right, i looked at harvey. he just look at me. i looked down and noticed he'd picked up one of my left handed guitars. "harvey" i complained, he just looked at me. "look are you okay, you're really not into this" i told him, he nodded. "there's just other things on my mind" harvey told me, i nodded. "yeah no wonder" i laughed, "that's a left handed one" i smiled as he laughed slightly.
harvey had seemed off all day, he'd went away with peyton to get us some drinks. "what's up with him anyway" i asked max, when harvey was finally away. "nothing he's just not feeling too good, he's a bit ill" max smiled. i still wasn't convince "did your dad do something" i asked again, max was quiet. "what did he do, i'll fucking destroy him" i immediately became angry. "it's fine calm down, he didn't do anything" max told me, i shook my head. "seriously ill fuck him up if he's even emotionally hurt you" i got angry again. "look calm down he didn't do anything, we're fine" max smiled at me.
me and harvey walked out the barn and into our house. "dad" i asked, nobody responded. i immediately turned to harvey "harvey you need to start acting casual" i told him, "tommy doesn't know and i don't want him to find out" i continued a little more angry. "look, i'm sorry it's just hard to keep this from him" harvey told me, i hit his arm and then pointed my finger at him. "you don't say a word" i angrily told him. he nodded. "if you don't, maybe we can do it again sometime" i smirked, harvey nodded. "right are you two coming back or not" tommy asked as he appeared. "yeah we're just coming" i told him, "right and don't forget about the drinks" he told us as he left.
me and harvey grabbed the drinks and headed back out to the barn. "here you go" i said as i started handing out the drinks. they graciously accepted the drink and smiled as they started drinking it. i sat back down next to max and we both drunk our drinks. "do you know" i asked him once they had started playing their instruments. max nodded as he looked at harvey. "he's worried" max told me, i nodded for him to continue. "he's worried tommy's gonna do something to him if he finds out" max told me. "that was mostly me trying to scare him into not telling tommy, cause i know he would if i didn't want him" max nodded in agreement.
band practice was finally over and max helped tommy put the stuff away. me and peyton decided to go to her bedroom to talk. "look harvey, i get that your scared of my brother but he'll just be mad, he won't actually kill you" peyton tried to reassure me. "yeah but i still feel like i've betrayed him, like i've taken something away from him" i apologised. "harvey, listen, did you enjoy it" peyton asked me, i nodded. i did enjoy it, very much. i just felt right and nothing was forced, it was just so natural. "do you regret it" she asked, i shook my head. it was the single best experience of my life. "would you do it again" she asked, i nodded. "then stop worrying, focus on the fact that you enjoyed it, focus on the fact it was with me, focus on us and not how tommy will react"
tommy had invited us to stay for dinner, we both agreed and i made sure to phone my mom to tell her we were staying for dinner. "so if you two are dating" tommy said, i panicked a little thinking he'd know what we'd done. "yeah" peyton said in a questioning tone. "and i've got a girlfriend" tommy smiled as he turned to max, "then we just need to do something about you" max shook his head. "i'm fine, i don't want a girlfriend" he smiled, i could understand, having a girlfriend was a lot of work. "but come on, you should and then we can all go on dates together" peyton smiled at max. "no, look i don't want to" max said, "please max" peyton begged. "no" he said, staying quite calm which i was surprised about. "please" peyton begged. "i'm not doing it" max got a little mad. "okay, calm down" peyton laughed.