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You went out from the room and stopped when you saw the members.

"Hey." They looked at you and frowned with their expressions, "Why?" You followed their gaze and your eyes widened at the sight of Hoseok and Yoongi lying on a bed.

"What happened?"

"The evil spirit woke up because you've returned and took over Taehyung's body." Jimin explained and sighed.

"Then where's Tae?"

"We locked him at the storage behind." You looked at Grandma who entered the house with Jin and Joon, "He might hurt the rest if we will not lock him up."

You nodded, "Please heal these two then let's talk about Tae's case."

"What about my case?"

A teen stood on the doorway, "Who are they, Grandma?" Taehyung's past self.

"They are your friends." The past Taehyung frowned while Grandma walked towards him and guided him out from the house.

"How are you feeling?" Jungkook asked, you've explained to them what happened to you and they were surprised that even Jongsuk isn't mortal.

"I'm feeling a bit better." They nodded, "I promise to bring Tae back."

They both smiled at you, "We know. You always have your reasons."

"Yeah... I always have."


"They are here." Hoseok told you and you replied with a nod, you're at a hill far from the capital along with Hoseok and Grandma. You practiced your abilities earlier.

And now, the members has arrived along with Taehyung who's still asleep and has his wrists tied, "Looks like your elixir is indeed effective." You told Grandma who just flipped her hair.

"You can leave him there." Jungkook and Namjoon placed Taehyung in front of you, leaving enough distance in between and they immediately walked away.

"Goodluck." Grandma said and patted your shoulder and left.

Hoseok kissed your temple and smiled, "You can do this." You nodded and watch him leave as well.

After making sure that no one's around anymore, you took a deep breath and released your smoke that flew towards Tae which woke him up.

You immediately noticed his solid black eyes which means this ain't Taehyung, "What? Are you going to separate us?" You felt goosebumps with how his voice went deeper than usual.

"You're dangerous."

He smirked, "Don't you think it's more dangerous to separate us? I can roam around and claim someone else's body again." He titled his head on the right, "I think it's better to claim one of his friend's body."

You clenched your jaw, "I won't let you."

He laughed and in a blink, he's already choking you and had you pinned against a tree, "Do you think I'm that easy?"

You're not struggling at all which made the spirit frown, "How amusing..."

"Sorry, Tae." You jumped and kicked him on the chest which caused him to let go of you, his feet left a trail as he used it to prevent himself from falling.

His face darkened, the tension thickened as your smoke engulfed your hands, same as the spirit.

"I think you knew that if you hurt me severely, your friend's body will suffer, not me."

You smirked, "Do you think I'm that easy?" This triggered the spirit and sprinted towards you, he jumped in the air and punched the ground instead when you managed to dodge.

You immediately pinned him against the huge rock and he winced, not expecting your strength, "You're turning me on, darling." He smirked.

You made a disgusted face and found yourself flying in the air, your back hit the ground as you let out a groan.

You saw him striding towards you, so you took this chance and materialized the relic in your hand, waiting for the right time to separate Tae and the spirit.

"This relic has two chances left since your matchmaker family kept on using it. So use it wisely."

You pointed the relic towards the spirit's direction and his eyes widened, a box made of glass appeared behind him and the relic lit up. You squinted your eyes due to the brightness but you managed to see the spirit left Taehyung's body and got pushed inside the glass box.

You immediately made a pillow to catch Taehyung as you walked towards the glass box, the black smoke inside just kept on circling around and couldn't find its way out since there's no opening, only the relic can put it inside that box.

You sighed and opened the ground, it swallowed the glass box then you closed it again. The relic dispersed with the use of your magic.

You walked towards Tae's unconscious figure and carried him bridal style and teleported back to Grandma's house.


You put Taehyung down at the bed where you rested at and covered half of his body with a blanket then you went out and saw the others with tensed expressions.

"Y/n!" Jimin was the first one to notice you, "Are you alright?" You just nodded as a reply.

"Where's Taehyung hyung?" Jungkook asked, his glassy doe eyes looking at you.

"Unconscious. Let him rest, the spirit used his body too much."

"You're wounded." You frowned with what Yoongi have said and finally noticed your bruises.


"Oh? Let's treat them." The members watched you two like a hawk as Yoongi drag you out from the house after fetching the first aid kit which he brought all the way to this era.

You two stopped at the bench under the tree behind the house, he quietly began to treat your wound by dabbing it clean first.

He looked at you when you didn't even flinch after he poured a small amount of antiseptic on your wound.

You noticed his stare and raised a brow, "What?"

"You didn't even flinch."

"After putting my life at risk for numerous times, do you think I'll still flinch just because of that?"

He bit his lower lip and proceeded quietly, you sighed and stared at the sky, "Our business in this era is done, it's time to go back to the present."

After treating your wound, you two decided to stay and remained silent until Yoongi decided to speak.

"What are you going to do after you bring Hoseok back?"

You shrugged, "I don't know."

"Huh? Won't you help other ghosts?"

"Do you think I'll still be a guardian after what I did?" You stared at his frowning face, "I broke numerous rules and I don't regret it at all." You smirked.

"I like you."

Your smirk faded, "What?"

"I like you and no need to reply, I don't need it."

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