Chapter 17

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Y/n's Pov:

"HEYYY HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Pansy jumped in my bed waking me up

"Huh, what the actual fuck" I groaned


"Pansy I don't think you remember but I said that I don't care about birthdays, and after what happened yesterday I am not in the mood to celebrate anything" I looked to her

"Alright... sorry, anyway I got this for you open it" She gave me a little box with a necklace on it

"Wow, that's so pretty thank you so much" I hugged her

"No problem" Pansy smiled "Come here let me help you" She said putting it on my neck

"Do you mind if I ask Snape to change seats with you? I don't want to be with Cedric today, it will just made my birthday worser" I asked her

"Sure hun, I just don't think Snape you let you do it" She laughed "But you need to talk to him and explain everything" Pansy touched my shoulder

"I know, and I will just not today, I don't have head to deal with one more fight with him" I rolled my eyes

Cedric's Pov:

"You can't ignore her forever" Cho said

"I don't want to talk about it" I said coldly

"You didn't even let her explain" She said trying to make me talk to y/n

"Cho, what I heard was enough, as she said it doesn't mean anything, I mean anything to her" I turned to her

"You are a fucking dumbass, she really likes you, everyone can see it, but if taking precipitated conclusions and not let her explain the whole story is better for you" Cho said angry

"I bought this ring for her last week, if I give it to her would u stop bothering me?" I showed her the box

"Maybe, but I still want to you to talk to her" She answered

Y/n's Pov:

"Hey, hm professor?" I called Snape attention

"What?" He looked at me

"I was wondering if I could change seats with Pansy today? Like sitting with Blaise not Cedric" I asked him

"I don't think you got when I said him would be your pair for the rest of the year" He said not even looking at me "Now please sit down" Snape pointed to my desk

For some reason Cedric was late, if it was weeks ago I was going to be worried, now I feel relieved.

"Mr. Diggory you are late -10 points to hufflepuff, now go to your sit" Snape announced his arrive

As he sat down, Cedric threw aggressively a little box at my desk. It was a snake ring. At least he remembered.

"Thank you" I murmured but he pretend he didn't listen me "You are really not talking to me woah, that's alright I deserved, I am a fucking slut who kiss every boy I saw in front of me and after that play with their feelings, that's what you think of me don't you?" I said

"I am trying to pay attention, can you please shut up?" He said didn't taking his eyes of his notebook

"Any problems Mr. Diggory?" Snape passed over our desk

"No, everything is alright" Cedric looked at him

That's how the whole class went, just him ignoring me, yeah now I am completely sure he hates me, congrats y/n look what you did. Worst birthday ever.

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