Chapter 19

751 19 8

Y/n's Pov:

"Guess who it is" I suddenly felt a pair of hands covering my eyes

"Cedric!" I turned around and kissed him "What are you doing here?" I asked confused since his class wasn't the same as mine

"Your class was on the way of mine, I was early today so I decided to come here and see my beautiful girlfriend" He hugged me from behind

"Ownn, thank you, but seriously I know you, that is not the reason" I laughed

"Alright, you got me, are you free tonight? I want to show you something"

"Yeah, I was going to study with Pansy but we can do it tomorrow, all yours today" I smiled "What do you want to show me?"

"It's surprise" He winked

"I hate surprises, now I am anxious about it" I hit his arm

"Mr. Diggory what are you doing here?" Mcgonagall entered class

"I just came going to see my favorite teacher" He turned to her

"As much as I appreciate all of your love for me, you need to leave" She laughed

"See you later" Cedric kissed the top of my head "Leaviiing" He said walking through the door

After class ended I went to look for Pansy, since I needed to cancel out study session tonight.

"Can I steal you girlfriend for a bit?" I asked to Cho who was kissing Pansy

"Sure" Cho laughed

"Please don't mad" I looked to Pansy

"What did you do?" She said

"Nothing, I just want to ask if we could study tomorrow? Cedric asked if I was free tonight, but I said yes, please don't mad, I can cancel with him if you want" I rubbed my neck

"You kidding? Why would I be mad about this? Go have fun if your boyfriend, of course we can do it tomorrow, anyway I need to go now, but tell me everything later" She kissed me check

"You wanted to show me your dorm?" I asked Cedric while we entered the hufflepuff common room

"Nope, I bring you here because I spilled juice at my robes and I need to change, after that I will show you the thing" He laughed

"Why your bed is bigger than mine?" I jumped onto his bed "And way more comfortable than mine, I am going to move here" I rolled at his bed

"I wouldn't mind" He smirked

"I wish I could" I groaned

"Ready?" Cedric looked to me

"No, let me stay a little more at your bed" I entered over the blankets

"It's going to be fast, after that you can come here" He pulled my arm

"Ugh fine" I got up

We both went out of the castle bc Cedric wanted to show me a thing that was in a garden or something like that.

"NO WAY" I screamed seeing a garden full of red roses in front of me

"Did you liked it?" He looked at me


"I have my ways, want to know something cool? I learned a spell that makes it last forever, flos leporem" Cedric gave me a flower

"Thanks, I love you so much" I kissed him

"I love you more" He kissed my hand

"Can we go back to your room now? It's freezing here" I said

"I want to sleep here tonight" I sat at Cedric's bed

"Did you bring clothes? If no you can use a hoodie of mine" He said brushing his teeth

"Really?" I looked at him who nodded with his head

It got a little big but I was just going to sleep so doesn't need for it to fit perfectly.

"Goodnight babe" I kissed him

"Night princess" Cedric said passing his fingers through my hair

An: Tysm for 4k that's insane love y'all <3

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