chapter 226

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Vahn could see that other than Fenrir's red eyes, which were glowing progressively brighter, her teeth also began to slowly transition from a normal state to a much sharper set. The look she was giving him was like a starved beast and all of Vahn's instincts began to fire simultaneously. In the system, he could see that Fenrir's loyalty was beginning to drain at a visible rate so he quickly pulled out a senzu bean which, other than healing wounds and recovering injury, could also prevent hunger for several days.

Trying to hold back his own inhibitions, Vahn held the bean out for Fenrir and explained, "This is a [Senzu Bean], it should make you feel full for now." Without hesitating at all, Fenrir's eyes opened slightly wider and Vahn could feel the hair on his neck raise as she bit toward his hand with a mouth full of sharp teeth. Vahn pulled back his hand milliseconds before Fenrir chomped down on where his fingers used to be. Crunching the [Senzu Bean] in her teeth, Fenrir swallowed it down before making a pouting expression and saying, "Gross, bad, no like, hungry, Master, please!"

The glow in her eyes had decreased by a fair amount even though she was still 'hungry', so Vahn knelt down and somewhat hesitantly reached forward and stroked her bristly hair. He explained in a patient, yet firm, tone, "I can feed you more, but you can't snap at my fingers like that. Your teeth and claws are very sharp and I won't be able to keep you around others if you can't control yourself." The entire time he was explaining things, Fenrir had an annoyed expression on her face but she didn't move away from his hand.

Vahn was looking through his system and found several relatively low-cost food items and began to set them out for Fenrir to eat. She looked at each of them and began to drool almost like a faucet but was following the order Vahn had given her and remained seated. After setting out around twenty different items, Vahn explained patiently, "You can eat each of these and tell me what you like the most. Don't eat them took quickly and try to savor the flavors."

Fenrir looked up at him with her progressively redder eyes and said, "Yes, Master, Fenrir eat, yes!" Her words finished, Fenrir began eating in a very 'uncivilized' manner and Vahn tried showing her how to eat 'normally' before he realized that her fingers weren't very dexterous. Though she had three joints in her fingers, Vahn noticed they were marginally smaller than normal and didn't have the flexibility of a normal hand. Combined with her ridiculously sharp claws that seemed to melt through anything they touched, Fenrir's table manners left a lot to be desired.

The worst part was that she still had the habits of when she was a kobold, so her method of eating was to lean on her forearms and try to eat the food with just her mouth as her butt stuck up in the air. Because she was only wearing an off-grey tunic, it rode up on her body further and further the longer she ate and the white panties Vahn had purchased for her were on full display as her bushy midnight blue tail stood up straight, almost rigid, like Fenrir was in a state of high alert.

Eva, standing at Vahn's side, laughed as she said, "She really is a lot cuter than the smelly dog from before, but it looks like you'll have your work cut out trying to make her behave." As if her words had inspired something in him, Vahn looked toward Eva with a smile and she immediately rebutted, "Look at how fast she is eating, do you think I could keep her in here for four years!?"

Vahn frowned before letting out a sigh as he saw that Fenrir had already consumed nearly all twenty dishes. By volume, that was more than thirty kilograms of food and yet she didn't show any signs of slowing down at all. Fenrir's figure was somewhat small, around 148cm, and she had nearly no fat with a very slim waist and nearly non-existent breasts; Vahn didn't know where she put it all so he inspected her status through the 'Unit Management' and [Keeper of the Akashic Tome] since he had been too distracted previously.



Age: 12 years (Ageless)

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