The present

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           I  yawned as I looked at my phone, the notifications were still going off with birthday wishes. "Thank you all for the birthday wishes." I texted while getting dressed in my favorite avengers shirt and grabbing my red jacket. "Morning sweetheart and happy birthday." Said mom. "Thank you mom, I'm going to take blue on a walk. Be back in an hour, love you." I said whistling for blue. "Ruff, ruff ruff." Barked blue jumping up.

       blue and I walked around the neighborhood for about 30 minutes before getting to the dog park. "Happy birthday alice." Yelled Kaitlin. "Bark, bark bark." Said jake (Kaitlin dogs.) "Thanks Kaitlin and thanks jake." I said petting Jake's ear. Blue jumped and started playing with Jake. Kaitlin and I talked for a while till blue and I had to leave. "Bye kaitlin." I said hooking up blue and walking home.

     "Mom, dad, We're home." I yelled letting blue off his leash. "Suprise." Yelled my family jumping out of a hiding place. "Thank you guys." I said hugging everyone. We sat and opened presents. "Heres one from me and your grandmother." Said grandpa handing me a bag. I opened it and inside was a posture of outer space. "I love it." I laughed. I opened all the presents but one. "Who's this from?" I asked. "Your great grandmother. She left it for you in her will but left a note saying you couldnt have it till your 16th birthday."said dad. I opened it and looked inside, it was a key on a necklace. "What does it open?"I asked. "No one knows, we tried using it in every thing she had that has a key hole." Said grandm.

    We had a blast and everyone left. I went up to my room and lied on the floor staring at my outer space ceiling suddenly a flash of white light and I passed out. I woke up on the floor of what looked to be an old mansion. I got up and looked around, sheets covered pictures, dust everywhere. I looked at my key the year 1954 was carved on the key along with the word fossil. This wasnt here before I thought. I found a door and opened it to see people wearing clothes from the 1950s and everything looked diffrent. All of a sudden I felt a cloth cover my mouth and I was being dragged. When I woke I was in a room with a bed and a desk, my necklace was missing. I got off the bed , when I tried opening the door it was locked. I knocked on the door but nothing. I sat back on the bed and started singing music, about 30 minutes later , the door opened.

The person who entered the room was about 16 or 17, tall, brown hair and hazel eyes. "We are so sorry about that, we needed to keep you from changing history."he said handing me the chain of my necklace. "Wheres the key?" I asked. "Im sorry but you shouldn't have that. It's not for people like you. " he said walking out of the room. "What do you mean people like me, I need that key back now. It's not yours." I yelled following the boy. "Wow, your gorgeous." Said a boy drooling. "Ahhh, who are you?" I asked jumping because he scared me. "I'm Peter, captain sparks assistant."said the boy. "Captain spark? Who's that?" I asked. "Im captain spark and what's your name?" Asked the boy I met earlier. "Im alice wonder." I said. "Alice wonder? Where have I heard that name before?" He said walking around. "Isnt that the name that master Odin gave us for the new time traveler?" Asked Peter. "Brilliant, your right peter. For once your right." Spark said laughing. "Time traveler? Your saying I'm a time traveler." I said fainting.

When i came to captain spark was sitting by the bed I first woke up in. "Here, your key and a new chain. The silver one you had would have  irritated your skin." He said handing me the necklace. "How did you know that?" I asked. "The skin on your neck was red when I removed the necklace which is a sign of irritation. "He said. "Why did you take the key in the first place and how am I a time traveler ?" I asked. "I took the key because that key is like the one me and peter have." He said showing me a key chain. "These keys tell the other owners of the keys where they are and what year. Your a time traveler because your great grandmother was one and she passed down the key to you. Meaning your a part of the history fixers." I started laughing and managed to get out "history fixers? That's your name." "What's wrong with time fixers?" He said. "Is your name actually captain spark or do you have a first name?"i asked. "I do have a fit name its Carter. "He said. "Captain Carter spark. Sounds cool."i laughed. We continued to talk and I found out that they find people who have messed with history and fix the events.

"Beep beep beep" yelled the main frame. "What's that?"I asked. "It means we have a situation where a time traveler has messed with history and we need to get to them before the time judges know we're here." Carter said running into the main part of the thing we were in. "Ruff ruff ruff" barked a pug. "Oh aren't you adorable." I said picking her up. "Pixie what have I said about barking at people. "Said Carter petting the dog. "Peter get ready we have a mission. Alice stay here and play with the dog or something. Whatever it is girls do."said spark pushing buttons. Peter ran around grabbing things.

"can I come?"I asked. "No its dangerous and you haven't even been trained yet." Said carter slightly pushing me out of his way. "Why cant she come?" Asked peter. "Fine, she can come but I swear if you mess this up, or get kidnapped. It's on you."Carter said grabbing a coat and walking out. "What's with him?"I asked peter. "I dont know, he hasn't acted like that since his last partner left." Peter said. "Peter stay out here and let me know if anyone comes in that is suspicious or has a snake tattoo on his left inside ankle. Alice, your with me so go find a bathroom and change into this dress so you blend in. "He said handing me a red 1950s dress. I got changed and met back up with spark in front of a cafe. "Wow you look..... wow. I'm sorry, back to our mission." He said looking away and ordering a drink. "Coke on the rocks and a, what do you want?"he asked. "I'll have the same as him." I said. Peter came over the inter comes and said "guy has been spotted, coming your way." "Dance?" said carter holding his hand out. "Yeah."I said taking his hand. We danced till the guy with the snake tattoo asked to cut in. "So what's a pretty girl like you doing with that guy?" The guy asked. "I dont know." I said looking at Carter who was keeping a very close eye on the guy. We danced for a while till Carter cut in again. "What did you find out?" He asked. "That.. my head... he.... 1855, head." I passed out in sparks arms. "Peter back up now. You take alice back to the ship, I got the guy. "Yelled Carter.

When I woke my head was throbbing and I didnt have any memory of anything that happened after leaving the ship. "Hey your awake. How you feeling?" Asked peter. "Do you have any pain killers?" I asked. He handed me a pain killer and water. "You rest, I'm going to see if the captain is back yet." He said leaving. I sat in the room for about an hour, then my head stop hurting so I went to the main room to see peter sitting by himself still. "Peter, wheres Carter?" I asked sitting with him. "He still isnt here, Hes probly still going after that guy who sprayed you with memory spray."he said. "What's memory spray?" I asked. "It erases your memory but only in short periods." Said carter walking through the door. "Where were you captain?" Asked peter.

He didn't say anything but walked to the room I'm staying in. I followed him and he opened the drawer on the desk and picked up a notebook. "Everything ok?" I asked. "Its fine, your not hurt but the guy got away." He said putting the book back and walking away. "Hey peter, can I talk with you?" I said. "Yep, what's up?" He asked. "Is Italy 1855, a date of something historic?" I asked. "Main frame, take us Italy 1855."yelled peter excited. "Main frame, stop. Peter why are we going to Italy in 1855?"asked Carter. "You want to capture the guy, let's go." Said Peter hitting buttons and the ship shook,  we all fell to the floor.

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