Paris, France 1890

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I told him that I need to be in Paris France in 1890 on the Eiffel Tower, Along with the guys. He said he would think about my conditions. While he thought I went to see the guys again. "Guess where we are headed?" I said. "Where?" Asked peter sarcastically. "Paris France in 1890, you guys get to come along as well. Ben, how pretty is the Eiffel Tower?" I asked. "Its really pretty." He said not facing me. I walked toward the cell and opened it. "You cant leave the space down here and if you hear someone get in the cell and close the door. Please, my plan is in play." I said leaving. "Maybe your not a traitor." Said Carter. 

I sat for hours on end waiting. As soon as the guards left the cell room I went in and saw the guys. "I need a favor." I said shyly. "What favor?" Asked luke. "I need all three keys, my plan will only work if I have all the keys. As soon as my plan is finished the keys will teleport back to the owners. " I said sitting against as wall. "Tell us your plan." Said Newt." I can't without the risk of it not going as planned. I promised myself this is the best plan and if I say it to anyone else, I might change my mind and I dont have time." I said sighing. "I trust that you will do the best decision for all of us." Said peter handing me his key. "Your our last hope. Save us princess." Laughed Carter giving me the key and hugging me. "I promised your family I would try to bring you home safe. This plan better be a good one, please be careful." Said luke handing me my key. "I will, just remember wherever  we are, we will always find each other. Family?" I said putting my hand in the middle of us. "Family till the end." Said luke putting his hand in the middle. "Family forever." Said the others putting their hands in the middle. I hugged them, then we heard guard coming, they got back in the cell and closed the door while I hid the keys in my pocket."he is ready for you." Said the guard.

I ran to where darko was and asked "have you made your decison?" He looked at me then a window and said "I'll agree to your conditions. We set course in the morning." I went to sleep and when I woke the ship was moving and I went to see the guys. "Where are we going?" AskedCarter. "Paris 1890. The place i told him i needed to be to make the keys grant a wish." I said. "That's why you needed our keys?" Asked peter. "Yeah but trust me, he wont be the one making the wish."i said. "What do you mean?" Asked luke. "My plan involves the wish of the keys but darko doenst know that only  I can make the wish. I'm just going to say, that I hope you guys get stuck togther." I said smiling. "What do you mean stuck togther?" Asked ben. "My wish will split us up, throwing the keys back to the owners and throwing each of us in a time line, I dont know what time or place." I said burying my head into my hands. "Cant you just make a wish that darko was gone?" Asked newt and Luke. "Its not that simple I cant make a wish asking to get rid of someone cause that will erase all of that person including him meeting my grandma and having my dad. I'll be gone forever from your memories." I said. "You better get up there, seems we have stopped. " said ben. "I love you guys and we'll find a way back to each other one day." I said running up the stairs.

Darko was waiting for me in the ships control room. "We're here, now let's get you friends on the Eiffel Tower." He laughed. We left the ship and went to the Eiffel Tower. "Do it or we drop them off the side of this place and it seems like a long drop." He said while his guards held the boys over the edge. "Fine, gods and goddesses here me now, grant me this wish." I said. Darko kept laughing and said "I wish to be the most powerful being." Nothing happened, his laugh turned into anger. "Drop them." He yelled. "Noooo, I wish we were seperated." I yelled. Everyone disappeared I was still on the Eiffel Tower but no one else was there.

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