locating the doctor

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We sat at the computer for hours trying to locate dr. Darko. "Hey alice, why did the picture of him freak you out last night?" Asked luke. "He's my great grandfather ,who I thought died." I said."I'm so sorry, I didnt know." He said giving me a hug. "Its ok, I'll fine but my question is why did you and peter freak out last night?" I asked Carter. "We have been tracking him since he got our last partner stuck in a black hole." Said peter. "As soon as we find him, I'm throwing him into a black hole." Mummered Carter hitting a keyboard. "No your not, I want to find out why he hid all these years and why take his own grandson and came after me." I said walking to my room. "Is she always this moody?"asked newt. "Yeah, she is." Said Peter. "Maybe we should do something to cheer her up. Suggested Luke. "I'll go grab a cake and drinks. " said Carter walking out the door. "We need someone to distract her so we can decorate." Said Peter. "I nominate luke." Said ben."I second that." Laughed newt pushing luke towards my room.

"Hey alice." Luke said nervously. "What's up?" I asked. "Nothing, what are you up to?" He asked sitting next to blue on the floor. "Sketching some dresses to sew later if I can get some fabric." I said showing him the sketch. "That looks awesome. We could go shopping and buy some fabric for you to make those. That red one would look really pretty on you." He said smiling. "Yeah I would love too." I said walking to my door to leave. "Wait." He said spinning me back around. "What?" I asked. "The guys dont want you leaving this place. So we have to sneak out." He laughed.

We snuck out and went to the craft store. I found so many pretty fabrics. I bought 20 rolls of diffrent fabrics and luke helped carry them back to the ship. I opened the door and standing there was the guys holding a sign saying "happy late birthday." I dropped the fabrics and hugged them. I put the fabric in my room and went to the main room for cake. "How did you guys know it was close to my birthday?" I asked eating a part of the red velvet cake. "Your file. It tells us a lot about you, how you hate guys, that you have no siblings, and how you wanted to be a fashion designer but was rejected by all the fashion designers." Said Carter. "My file is wrong then, I dont hate all guys just the ones who act like they are better then others. I have a younger brother but he isnt blood. I was rejected by most of the designers except one but it's in Paris." I said washing the dishes. "Paris? A fashion designer in Paris offered you a job?" Said peter shocked. "Yeah but I still haven't responded back to her, I'm scared that if I left my family I wouldnt see them again. Paris is a long way from Tennessee." I said yawning. "You should take the job, you would love Paris. " said ben laughing. "Dont tell me you went to Paris without us." Said Newt. "I'm from Paris, dummies." Said ben. "Let's play a game. One of us asks a question, we all answer then the next person asks a question." I suggested. "I'll play." Said luke, newt,Carter and peter together .

I went first and asked "where is everyone from?" "I'm from chicago." Said peter. "Houston Texas." Said luke. "San Francisco, California." Said newt. "I'm from Nashville Tennessee." I said. "Canada." Said Carter laughing. "Paris, France." Said ben. "If you could have a normal life outside time travel, what would it be like?" Asked carter. "I would contact my family and friends and go home." Said Newt. "I would go see my mom and brothers."said peter. "I would go back to cattle ranching." Said luke. "I would open my bakery back up." Said Carter. "I would love to go to Paris and do fashion and maybe open my own shop in nashville. What would you do ben?" I said smiling. "I would find a girlfriend, settle down, and maybe visit the United states sometime." Ben said yawning. We played a couple more rounds then one by one went to sleep. First was peter, then newt and luke, then me, and finally Carter and ben.

The next morning we got back on the case and located an employee of dr. Darko. "Pinpointed the location in Tennessee. I'm sorry alice, it's in Nashville again." Said Carter. "Its ok, I'll be fine as long as we find him and my family." I said pacing back and forth from the living to the kitchen. "Starting the engines." Said peter. "Hold on." Yelled luke. The ship shook and everyone but me was holding on to something. I fell and a couple of books fell on me. "Oww, that hurt." I said laughing after we landed. "Are you ok?" Asked luke helping me up. "Yeah I'm fine." I said walking towards the door. "Not so fast chica." Said Luke blocking the door. "I go first, then ben and you come last." I moved him out of my way and said "I go first as the leader." I walked out the door after grabbing Luke's ray gun. "Come back here chica." Yelled luke. "No, you guys should hurry up." I yelled back.

I got to the door of the place they person was and the lock was broken. I motioned the guys toward the door and burst through it. "Hands up." Yelled ben and Luke. "Who are you people?" Asked a very confused old man. "Agent Rodgers. Im with the Ttiu. " said ben showing him a badge. "What's the ttiu?" Asked the man. "Time travel investigation unit. I'm agent Ross." Said luke. "Im... " before I could say who I was the man interrupted and said "your the girl we've been searching for years." "What do you mean searching for?" Asked luke. "My boss has wanted to meet her for years. Pleasure to meet you red." Said the guy bowing. Him calling me red threw me off, the only person who ever called me red was my great grandmother. I guess the guys saw the fear in my eyes because they got the suspect apprehended and got back to the ship.

I sat in my room for about an hour before peter and Carter came in. "Hey what's up?" Asked Carter sitting next to me. "That guy called me red. Nobody calls me red, and only one person ever did but shes gone." I said crying. "Your great grandmother?" Asked peter. I shook my head yes and continued to cry. They just hugged me till I stopped crying. "Hey, get some rest." Said Carter getting Peter and leaving my room. I went to bed but after I fell asleep I had a dream.

I was home, my mom and dad were there but something was diffrent. My great grandmother was also sitting in the living room. I looked at them but it was like I was gone. Dr. Darko entered the room laughing. "Where is she?" He yelled. "Away from you." Said my grandmother. "You will never get near her." Yelled my father. "Oh, if I have her family, she will come to me. To save all of you and the biggest shock to her is that her great grandmother and great grandfather are both alive." He chuckled. I saw men grab my parents and throw them into a van. My grandmother whispered something before darko grabbed her arm and pulled her to the van. I tried hard to hear what she said but all I got was "whisper to the key. Wish granted." Darko then looked straight at me and said "I'm coming for you next."

I woke up screaming, the guys ran into my room and blue curled up on my lap. "Alice, what's wrong?" Asked ben hugging me. "I saw what happened, he took my family." I said crying. "Its ok alice, we are right here." Said peter sitting at the foot of my bed. "What did you see?" Asked Carter. "I saw he talked to my family, my mom and dad were throw in a van, then my grandmother whispered something like whisper to the key, wish granted. Then she was throw in the van. He looked straight at me like he knew I was there and said he is coming for me." I said. "I've read about, come on." Said Peter grabbing my hand and dragging me to the library I didnt even know we had.

The others followed right behind."The keys have a special power. They can grant wishes, no one ever found out how but legend has it that one person can make the keys grant wishes." Said peter. "A girl who's imagination was as big as the universe. Who never backed down, who fought for what she believed in." Said newt. "Who understood others but was never understood herself." Said luke. "Who wore her heart on her sleeve." Said Carter. "A myth is what that girl was called. Red was her name, no one believed in her but she believed in others." Said ben. "Your that girl." Said peter bowing. "Your our legend." Said Luke bowing. "Our myth." Said Carter bowing. "The key." Said newt bowing. "Our believer." Said ben bowing. "Me, I'm this legend?" I asked shocked. "Yes." Said all of the guys smiling.

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