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The next morning I got up and got dressed. I got to the main room where peter and Carter were passed out on the sofa. I grabbed a couple of blankets and covered them up. I wrote a note and put it on the table saying "grabbing food be back in 5.  Alice." I ran to the local coffee shop to grab coffee and donuts. I ran into ben and luke. "Hi" I said nervously. "Morning, that's a lot of coffee." Said ben. "Yeah, for my friends and me." I said trying to walk by them. "Your in a rush, are you sure you dont want some help?" Said luke. "Yeah, it's fine, I got it.  the coffee will get cold if I dont get there quickly ." I said walking by them. I thankfully got away before they tried to follow me.

When I got back the boys were still sleeping. I put the coffee on the table and went to my room and sketched for awhile. "Morning and thanks for the coffee and donuts." Said Carter standing in the door way. "Your welcome. " I said smiling. "Whatcha drawing?" He asked walking to the desk. "I dont know." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Well whatever it is, it looks amazing." He said. "You wont believe who I ran into this morning." I said walking with him to the main room. "Who?" He asked. "Ben and luke and I almost couldn't get away from them." I laughed. Carter laughed and asked "what do we do to wake up peter?" "Jump on the couch, that should wake him." I laughed. "Carter jumped on the couch and sure enough Peter woke up.

"Ahh." Yelled peter. "Donut?" I said handing him and donut. Carter threw a pillow at peter but it hit me. "Spark, you shouldn't have done that." I laughed grabbing a pillow and throwing it back at him. The computer went off. "Great, I thought today would be easy." Said Carter throwing himself back on the couch. "I'll go check it." I said. I checked out the location and it was my home. I hit the button to take us to the location. "Alice, where is the location?" Asked peter. I didnt say anything but I ran out the door and to the door of my house which was busted in. "Mom, dad?" I yelled. No response, I ran through the house till I got to my room where blue was lying on the floor. He had a cut on his side from what looked like a knife. He whimpered, I picked him up and pulled his close crying.  I heard footsteps up the stairs. So I grabbed the bat that was next to my door. "Alice?" Yelled Carter. "In here." I said crying. "What happened and what's this place?"asked peter. "My home." I said through the tears. "Peter go get me a medical kit." Said Carter taking blue from me. "Let me guess, this is your dog." Said carter. "Yeah, that's blue. I cant lose him." I said crying. "You wont, I promise. "He said hugging me. Peter came back with a medical kit and Carter got blues wound wrapped.

We got back to the ship and I went to my room and stayed there most of the day. A couple of hours passed when Carter walked into my room. I was sitting in the corner while blue rested on my bed. "Is everything ok?"he asked sitting beside me. "I dont know, blue was hurt so I cant even imagine what could have happened to my mom and dad." I said bursting into tears. Carter didnt say anything but laid his head on mine and hugged me.  We just sat there for ages till I eventually passed out.

I woke up about an hour later but I was in my bed with blue curled up next to me. I walked into the main room and grabbed a leftover donut and noticed the boys were sitting in the living room talking. I hid behind the wall and listened in on the conversation. "Peter, can I ask you something?" Asked Carter. "Yeah anything dude." Said Peter. "Are you scared that Alice might leave us after this case?" Said Carter. "Yeah, I'm scared but I cant do anything about it. Are you scared?" Asked peter. "Yeah I'm scared. She is different then our other partners,  shes cool. If she chooses to go home, I guess we can find a new partner. "Said Carter shrugging his shoulders. "I dont want her to go."said peter. "You still have me." Said carter hugging peter. "I like alice better though." Laughed peter. "Whatever I'm going to go check on her." Carter said laughing. I ran to my room and pretended to just wake up. "Hey Carter." I said yawning. "Hey, how did you sleep?" He asked sitting in the chair next to my bed. "I sleep fine and thanks." I said smiling slightly. "For what?" He asked. "Having a shoulder for me to cry on." I said. "Anytime, you want to go get something to eat." He said motioning to the door. "Yeah I'll be out in a second." I said before he left. "I'll be back blue. I love you." I said kissing his head, grabbing my jacket and walking out the door.

"So where we going to eat?" I asked. "Cajuns cooking." Said peter. We got to the restaurant and ordered when ben, luke and newt walked in. "They just walked in." I whispered to the guys. "Think of something." Said Peter. "They're walking this way." Said Carter. "I'm so sorry for this but I have to go distract them, get the food for take out and meet at the ship. " I said standing up and walking to newt and them.

"Hey." Said newt. I saw out of the corner of my eye Carter and peter trying to get our food for take out and the waitress looking confused . "How are you guys?" I asked. "We're good." Said ben. "So what are you up to?" Asked luke. "Oh nothing, you know just getting lunch." I said. "Wanna hang out with us today?" Asked newt. "Oh I cant, I'm sorry. I have work in an hour." I said looking at my watch. "Oh that's to bad. Well see you. Oh and here is a new box of pencils. I saw it and it reminded me of you." Said luke handing me a box of pencils. "Thanks luke." I said hugging him before leaving.

I got back to the ship where Carter and peter were waiting. "Got your lunch." Said Peter motioning for me to come to the table. Carter downed his gumbo. "Yum, that was awesome." He said getting up and checking the computer again.

After lunch,peter and I were playing a game of poker. "Carter , can I borrow a five?" Asked peter. "Why?" Carter yelled back confused. "Alice may have taken my money already."said peter quietly. "Then stop playing poker with her." Said Carter. "Please just one five, I promise if I get the pot then I'll split it with you." Said peter smiling. "Fine, if she wins again. You owe me five bucks." Said Carter handing Peter a five. We played another round of poker and I won again.

I played a couple of rounds against Carter which I won because both guys have no clue how to play poker against me without losing. A couple minutes after we finished cleaning up the cards,  Peter walked in yelling the pig is loss. I couldnt keep from laughing. "You lost the pig again." Yelled Carter laughing and  getting up and looking for the pig. I found the pig in a closet, so I picked it up and walked into the living room. "I found the pig and peter, you are terrible at giving this thing a bath." I laughed handing him the pig. Carter and I helped peter clean the pig. After we were done the pig ran amuck through the ship. "Peter get that pig back to your room before it gets water on my main frame. "Yelled Carter getting tackled by the pig and pixie jumped on him too. "Wow ganged up on by my dog and a pig. Really pixie."

We got the pig corralled in Peter's room then I was sent to get food. I went to a sub shop just down the street. "One chicken bacon and ranch, a teriyaki chicken sandwich and a Turkey sandwich, please." I said to the guy making sandwiches. "Ok miss." He said making the sandwiches.  I stood in line for about 5 minutes then he finsished and I payed. I was walking down the street and then ran right into someone, almost dropping the sandwiches. The person who ran into me caught the sandwiches in time, and said "I'm so sorry, I should have been paying more attention." He helped me up and handed me the sandwiches and when he moved his baseball cap I saw it was ben. "Hey ben." I said taking the sandwiches. "I'm sorry alice. You know how intriguing books can get." He laughed. "What book are you reading?" I asked. "Time travelers, separated." He said showing me the book." Sounds awesome." I laughed. "I have to get going. Bye Benjamin." I yelled running off. "How did you know my name was Benjamin?" He yelled back. "I have my ways."I yelled before turning the corner.

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