Chapter 6

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There were no leads, no ransom demand, nothing, nada.

Anger leaked from my bones. How could they not have anything? They've been working on this case longer than cases with no evidence we've solved before. Kens could feel it, sleepily kissed me and told me to go.

I first needed to check on my other kids making sure they were safe.

I checked on Ria and Joelle making cookies in the kitchen, Ria was fine. She said to me "Daddy, aunty Joelle is going to let me help make dinner next, so that you and uncle Sam and uncle Callen don't get hungry when you are looking for Fern", I just pulled her into a hug kissed her hair and mouthed a thankyou at Jo. Setting her back on the stool she was using I asked if she had seen Gabriel. Jo answered that he had wormed his way to playing on Luke's Xbox .

Gabe was passed out on the couch the Xbox controller dangled precariously from his small fingers. I went over to him. I took the controller from his hand placing it on the coffee table. I picked him up gently not to wake him. I carried him back to the room kensi and I shared. I placed him next to Kensi , slipped off his sandals and pulled up a blanket over him. He was snuggling up to Kensi as I quietly closed the door. I figured i'd try the nursery for Jason.

In the nursery Jason and Katie were playing with trains. Grace gave me the nod saying that he was fine, safe and to leave him be for now.

Now that was done, my priorities could remain with finding Fern.

I made sure my earwig was on.

"Callen , how do you not have anything on where my daughter is?" I said as I left the room.

"Deeks, its not that we don't have anything, its that we aren't talking about what we do have."

I walked into the dedicated ops room in the safe house, taking a deep breath and asking "what?"

"There's nothing that will prepare you for this, Eric show Deeks the pictures"

The pictures came up on the screen.

Callen continued speaking, all these girls whose father's were military have been found strangled and assaulted in national parks over the last year. There have been no leads in the investigation. Each girl was found less then 48 hours after they were taken. We believe that whoever took Fern also took these girls.

God, my baby girl.

"Whatever happens Kensi does not see these images, she does not know about this. Understood?" I demanded

"Deeks we will do what we can but she needs to know, you can't keep this from her"

"I can't have her know that my daughter will be assaulted and killed. She's my daughter Callen, she's just my little girl. And while I can't protect her right now I sure as hell will protect my wife from that knowledge" I breathed heavily. "You need to find her, please." I sobbed and my voice broke.

"Were doing everything we can to find her Deeks, you know that."

"I just don't want to get that call saying she's dead guys... I just can't."

I know, I know I took so long to update. I have been soooooo busy and had a bit of writers block.

But I updated didn't I.

I'm working on the next chapter now.

Jaccy xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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