Chapter 5

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I should be looking for her.


She should be here with me. She should have never been taken in the first place. How did I let her out of my sight? I'm supposed to be trained to handle these situations. Oh God I hope she's okay. If I ever find the... When I find the people who took her... I will kill them. They took my beautiful little girl, what will I do if something happens to her.

"Deeks" I snap out of my own thoughts. Its Callen. "We need you at the top of your game right now. If you can't do it for me, do it for Kensi who by the way could really use your help, or Ria, Gabe and Jason, and especially for Fern."

I take a deep breathe. This is what I'm trained for, She's okay and I will find her. I turn back to Callen who is on speaker with a call to ops.

"Eric, any progress?" I ask, over Callens shoulder.

"Deeks, man, I'm sorry. I don't have a location on her phone right now and we've lost the vehicle on kalidoscope which means I can't find her right now. But if her phones turned on again or they even think of going out anywhere in that van. I can and I will find her then."

"I'm working on shutting down ops, we are at 62%." Eric also added.

I went over to Kensi next, I wrapped my arms around her, kissing her, if what I felt was torture, imagine what she was going through. She was also doing a very good job of holding it together for Jason and the twins. I can't loose anyone else today, I can't. I took Jason from Kensi and kissed his forehead as he snuggled into me. I had to keep the rest of my family safe.

New regulations pretty much meant when one of us is under attack, we all had to take precautions. Callen didn't think this was some random snatch and grab and since our kids were not on any public data base anywhere, someone could have found out from secure work files. Meaning everyone was potentially at risk. So they were all relocating to the safe house.

Sam was on the phone to Michelle getting her to get Kam and go straight to the safe house, and to notify Aiden and his wife to stay where they were and not visit. Luke (who didn't have a family) was coming here to drive Kensi and the kids directly to the safe house. Eric and Neil were shutting down ops and getting ready to go. Grace had to pick up her daughter Katie from kindergarten and her husband Matthew who worked at the University was meeting her at the safe house. Joelle, Callen's fiancé was already at the house as she had been nearby for work. Callen had called her immediately after talking to me, so as soon as she was safe, he could get to work.

Callen and Sam were staying out to work the case while I would drive to the safe house after telling them everything I know.


When I got to the safe house my first task was to find Kensi. She was in the kitchen with Joelle nursing a cup of coffee, talking. I pored myself some and took the chair by Kensi and took her hand.

"Where's Gabe, Ria and Jason?" I inquired tentatively.

Apparently Grace and Matthew had volunteered to watch the kids and they were in the playroom. That was good. Keep them busy, mind off their sister. I think Ria was going to spend some time in the kitchen with Joelle (her other most favouritist person) too. I knew the other agents, our family would look after them.

But right now I needed to be with Kensi.

We had talked lots about what would happen if one of us died or went missing but never one of the kids. It was every parents worst nightmare. For almost 2 hours after we left the kitchen, we lay on our bed holding each other, crying, sobbing, whispering her name. After that long I knew Kensi would need to be reminded how much I loved her as a Wife and as a Mother.

So I pulled her closer, kissed her and said "Do you remember when Jason was born? We named him after your father, giving him the middle name Donald. The Twins, Ria Nicole named after Henrietta (but as much as we loved Hetty we could never do that to our princess- so Ria it was) and Gabriel Christian, for the cops that pulled me off the street at 11 years old and saved my life, as well as for G, for they had the same initials. And our baby girl Fern Marie. Who we named after you, Kens. Fern is so much like you, smart, strong, confident, beautiful, a fighter, and a survivor. You are an amazing mother Kens. We named our children after people we love because we wanted to show our children how much we love them. Fern will be okay, I have to believe that. Our family is out there looking for her, they will keep her safe and bring her home. I love you so much, and I already love baby number 5 as much. I will protect you and our children". She just pulled me closer and cried.

I think she feel asleep a while later, that was good.  The stress was not good for the baby. It would kill her to lose Fern and the baby. And that would kill me. I couldn't  let that happen.

I put my ear piece back in. I needed to know how the investigation was going, if I couldn't be out there looking for her I had to know that everything possible was being done to find her.

Sorry that its taken so long, I've just started university and I'm working part time too. But here it is, finally!!!! Jaccy x

Also I do not own NCIS: Los Angeles or thier Characters!! I wish though!

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