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This is literally the best day of my life!  Today I marry my beautiful Kensi after a year of being engaged.

It's kinda funny how looking back I realise how messed up it was. Kensi and I had decided that we had a thing one day.  Yes I know I have terrible communication skills, okay. About 2 months later, we'd just wrapped up one of the more difficult cases, but we got the bad guy. Kensi was gonna coming over for chinese and cronuts like always. Half way through the movie, she turned to me and blurted out that she loved me. So unkensi like, but that was okay because I told her I loved her too and pulled the ring out that I had been holding on to for sometime now.  I got down on one knee and proposed. It wasn't overly romantic, but it was perfect for us. And she said yes! Thank God.

The next day of work was interesting. Thankfully we had a paperwork day. But when we came in Sam immediately said to G that something was different about us. Of course I just laughed it off saying that maybe I just looked better today. But then Nell came rushing down the stairs screaming "Kensi!",  with Eric right behind. I looked and Kensi who blushed and just smiled at me. They knew.

Enters Hetty, who offers her Congratulations to us. Well I guess the secrets out, so I simply said We are engaged, because that's obviously what they wanted to hear us say. Sam and G smile at me menacingly, I knew this was coming. I swear they are just like Kensi's older brothers, I am so dead. As they approach I sorta cringe and tense preparing for the attack. Instead Sam picks me up in a massive bear hug and when he puts me down G ruffles my hair. I'm to happy to even bother telling him to back off the hair. Kensi was talking with Nell and Hetty, they were all very excited talking about our engagement, which was nice to see for once.

As everyone settled down Kensi came over laying her head on my shoulder, and I put my arm around her. I whispered to her that I love her and kissed her hair. She then whispered back to me that she loves me to and that she was pregnant. I turned to face her, eyes wide open and repeated "Pregnant?" she smiled, tears and all and nodded. I loved her so much and now we were going to get married and be parents. Everyone was now staring at us silently, letting us have this moment.

That was a crazy day. But just one of the best of my life!

8 months later, it was another of the best days of my life. My heart expanded as Kensi gave birth to a beautiful baby girl - Fern Marie Deeks. She was absolutely the most precious gem I had ever held.

And since you are probably wondering it's Kensi's middle name as well, and I only begged a little to call our Daughter Fern. Only like the first five months after we found out Fern was a girl. I knew though that Kensi had to agree, and one day she just told me to stop asking because she had decided on a name the second she knew our baby was a girl, For 5 months I had been gently harassing her and she was already was going to call our daughter Fern. It's just an important name for both of us.

Everyone came to see us in the hospital - Hetty, G,  Sam and Michelle, Nell, Eric, Nate and even Granger. How precious they thought Fern was, Sam and G laughed at her name though because they knew the story behind it. After much deliberation we named Sam and Michelle as Godparents. Kensi and I had already talked to Nell so she wasn't upset that it wasn't her, same as G who didn't care either way. Kensi and I had decided that Sam and Michelle were just incredible and wanted them as role models for us as well as baby Fern. And as with all of us baby Ferns emergency contact was already down as Henrietta Lange.

And so here I am today waiting for my beautiful bride to be walked down the isle by none other than Sam and G - who also are my groomsmen. Fern is in the front row being held by Michelle, who even though like Kensi is super tough, just melts with baby Fern. And Michelle has been just a blessing to us with helping Kensi do the whole mum/agent thing. Even Aiden, Sam's boy made it home for the wedding.

Sam and Michelle's daughter Kam walks down the isle as our flower girl, then Nell as the maid of honour. And finally out walks my princess, my bride, my beautiful Kensi, looking amazing in her white dress.

She was stunning, how did I ever get so lucky.

I don't remember much else of my wedding except for saying some words and staring into Kensi's eyes, oh and making out with her as I kissed my bride.

With Kensi on my arm and holding Fern tight,  I walked out of the chapel doors to the sound of wedding bells, towards my future.

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