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Revelation [ rev-uh-ley-shuh n ] 


1. the act of revealing or disclosing; disclosure. 

2. something revealed or disclosed, especially a striking disclosure, as of something not before realized.

Are you ready for it? ♢



I woke up with a searing pain in my head. My vision slowly pulled itself together, to reveal that I was in a dark room. Alone. Everywhere else around me was darkness, not a speck of illumination. I tried to move, but my hands and feet were bounded to the wooden chair I sat on. The panic returned. "Wh-where am I?" I stuttered. I forcibly shook my hands, trying to break free from this rope. "Somebody help me! Someone!" The only thing I could hear was the echo of my own voice. Why was I here alone? I cried silent tears, trying to look for a way out. As I cried, I could hear someone moan, as if they were in pain. I looked around, "Hello? Who's there?" The person called back, "There's someone else here?" My heart pace sped up, for I recognized the voice. "Jamaya? Is that you?" She replied in a raspy, drained voice, "Yes, it's me! Who are you?" I started getting excited, even if I was tied to a chair, in complete darkness, possibly awaiting my death, at least I wasn't alone. "It's Amber! We can't see each other." Her voice started returning to normal, "Oh my gosh, man. My head is killing me. Where are we, Amber? Why am I tied to a seat? What's going on?" She spoke in a rather frantic tone. I tried remaining calm, "I have no idea. I'm trying to think of a way to get us out of this." Just then, another voice joined us. "Amber? Jamaya? Where are we?" It was Laurielle. "Laurie!" Jamaya and I both exclaimed at the same time. She panicked, "What? I can hear you guys, but I can't see you! What's this about?" Yet another voice spoke on top of us. "What's going on guys? I can't see anything! Where are we?" Ki'loni had waken up from her unconscious state. I was somewhat relieved to know that she was among us, because yesterday, we had no idea of her whereabouts. Still trying to stay calm, I called out to them, "Look guys, I don't know what the hell is going on, but we shouldn't panic. I'm going to figure a way to get ou-" I was cut off by a blinding white light, that sliced through the darkness of the room. It scared me. All of a sudden, the whole room was illuminated. I took in my surroundings, we were in a warehouse type setting. There were crates and wood everywhere. I could finally see the other girls around me. We were lined up in a straight line, side by side. For the first time in hours, I smiled. "Guys! I'm so happy we're together," I exclaimed. I could see the other the other girls faces light up, but not for long. Another light came on in front of us. What I saw next gave me goosebumps, and a sense of fear I've never felt before. There were five people, standing in front of us. They all had black robes on, with hoods that concealed their faces. I could feel my face turning pale due to fright. As my vision adjusted to the new light, I noticed that all five of their robes had a diamond on it. And that's when it hit me.

I was face to face with B.D.

I looked at the other girls. I could see tears running down Jamaya's face, Laurielle looked like she just saw a ghost, and Ki'loni had her eyes closed, and was praying to herself. Look at what these five people have done to us. They've broken us! Our crew will never be the same, because of the antics of these five hooded menaces who stood before me. So many emotions ran through me at once; fear, anger, hopelessness. But I wasn't going to let any of them show. B.D. was not getting the best of me this time. It was time for me to man up; to defend myself, to defend my friends, and most importantly, to stop B.D. I put on my game face, because this was ending today. I broke the heavy silence in the air, "So, we've finally come face to face." The one in the middle stepped forward, causing a chill to shoot down my spine. If you were in the presence of five ominous fiends, I'm pretty sure you'd feel the same way. The one who stepped foreword began speaking, in the same deep, disguised voice. "Yes we have, my dear Amber." This whole scene was so surreal, but I couldn't let my fear show. "Listen, B.D., I'm through with all your bullshit. This is ending today. Who are you?" They laughed a little; the same mocking laugh that I despised. "Are you sure you're ready to know my identity, Amber? You know, some people can't handle the truth." I was about to respond, when Laurielle jumped into the conversation. "Amber, think about what you're doing. Just ask them to let us go, that's all." I shot her a look, "No! If we back out now they're going to keep bothering us. One of us could end up dead, Laurielle! We need to end this." Laurielle didn't say anything else, she just hung her her head. B.D. laughed again, "I guess you are ready for it. Here you go." The reached for their hood and slowly pulled it off. My heart race picked up with every second that past. The hood was now off, and I saw who it was.

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