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I woke up the next morning to find someone next to me. Of course, it was Amber. She has been spending the night more and more frequently, but that wasn't a problem with me. I woke up in a really good mood, because it was my birthday. Amber was already up when I arose. She was on her phone, probably on Twitter or Instagram. When she saw I was awake, she put down her phone and smiled. "You're up so early, Amber," I said, rubbing my eyes. I noticed her staring at my abs. Yeah, I didn't like sleeping with a shirt on. I could tell she was enjoying her view. Coming back to reality, she laughed lightly, "Yeah, I know. I'm an early bird. But, happy birthday, baby!" I smiled huge. She kissed me lightly; I guess just a little something to start my day off right. She pulled away and I opened my eyes. "What? Is that all I get on my special day? What kind of gift is this, Amber?" I pretend pouted. She laughed, harder this time. She rolled on top of me, and kissed me again, with more passion. I smirked as our lips intertwined. Her fingers played around with my six pack. My lips detached themselves from hers, and made their way down to her neck. I could hear her softly moan. Mission accomplished. I allowed my hands to creep lower and lower, past her chest, past her stomach, and past her hips. As my hand crept for her thighs, I could hear the door knob turn. Amber removed myself from me, returning my his side. The person came through the door. It was Roc and Ray. The were holding a birthday cake. "Happy Birthday Pr-" They both stopped speaking, and stared at the two of us. I'm guessing her hair was a little messed up. Roc smirked, "Are we interrupting something?" I gave him the look, "Yes, you are." Ray and him slowly backed out of the doorway. "Well, just come downstairs when y'all are done and your cake will be waiting for you. Looks like you have some 'birthday cake' of your own," Ray said, winking. He put air quotations on the word "birthday cake". When Roc and Ray had left, Amber turned to me. "Maybe we can finish what we started another time." I frowned, "Aww man. You promise?" She smiled, "I promise." I reflected her smile, she fixed her hair in the mirror and we got up to meet the others downstairs. Amber and I walked down the stairs, and everyone was gathered in the living room. "Happy Birthday Prod!" everyone shouted as we entered. I smiled greatly, "Thanks everyone!" I'm guessing all the girls spent the night with their boyfriends, with the exception of Breaunna. Prince stood up and gave me dap. "Aye, you're finally seventeen, man. Now you're cool like Ray and I," he said, laughing. I sucked my teeth and laughed, "Man, whatever. I'm more mature than y'all anyway!" Roc sighed, "What about me guys?" He frowned, and we all started dying. They sang happy birthday to me, and cut my cake. Even if it was only 11 in the morning, it was never too early for cake. Keisha and Walter came into the room together. "Happy Birthday Prodigy!" I smiled again, "Thanks guys!" Keisha's smile faded away a little, "Okay, boys. We have a lot to get done today. There's a dress rehearsal for the opening show in France today at 12." Ray frowned. "But Keisha, it's 11:15," he mentioned. "Yeah, so get ready! We're out in thirty minutes," said Walter. The boys and I groaned. Did we have to do this now? On my birthday? I could hear Keisha mention to the girls that they could stay over here while we were at rehearsal. I loved being in MB, but sometimes being famous just gets in the way of everything.


It was around mid day now, and Laurielle was driving us to the club Aaron told us to meet at. "What is the name of this place, anyway?" Amber said, skeptically. She didn't want to go with us, because anything that had to do with Aaron gave her an attitude. I'll be honest, Aaron wasn't the most innocent character in the book, but I didn't understand why he was so bad. "Um, I think it's just called The Lounge," Laurielle said, "But, I'm honestly not sure." Amber rolled her eyes, and Jamaya glared Amber, "Yo Amber, chill." Amber just sat back and folded her arms, no longer speaking. "Well, the GPS says we're here," Laurielle said. We all looked out the window, and saw this small, urban nightclub setting. It looked like we could throw a bomb ass party here. "This place is fire!" I said with excitement. Jamaya nodded her head in agreement. We got out the car and walked to the door. I expected the door to be locked, but it was open. That was weird. We walked inside and the place was dark. Laurielle found a light switch and turned it on. This place was even nicer than I thought. There was a stage to our left, and seats with tables to our right. Those of which could easily be moved to change this simple interior to a turnt up party scene. The walls were dark blue, and had a velvet feel. There were black couches that went all the way around the room, on the wall. This place was totally sick. "Whoa, this place is too dope!" Jamaya exclaimed. Amber shrugged, "Yeah, it's decent. Where's Aaron though?" We all looked around. She was right, where was Aaron? "Maybe he's in the back," I suggested. Laurielle went over to the door that led to the back, but she stopped when she saw something. "Hey guys, there's a box over here." We looked at each other, and walked over to the box. There was a note on the top of it. Amber picked it up and read it.

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