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It was the Wednesday after Prod and I had made up. I didn't get to see the boys in person after they left to fight, so Prod and I never really got a chance to speak face to face. I was planning on going over there after school anyways. It was last period, and I was walking to my locker through a surprisingly empty hallway. When I arrived at my locker, I immediately knew something was wrong. There was a diamond spray painted on my locker. I froze in my tracks, because I knew about the boys getting beat by this B.D. person, and Roc told me how their signature was a diamond. I looked around, not a soul roamed these hallways. I turned back around and analyzed my locker some more. I almost broke into a cold sweat. How did they find me, and what did they want? My heart started racing when someone put a hand on my shoulder from behind. On a reflex, I just turned around and swung at them. The person ducked. I saw who they were, and almost bursted into laughter. "Jamaya, I'm so sorry. Don't sneak up on me like that!" She dusted her jeans, and glared at me playfully, "Okay damn! Why so paranoid?" I stepped aside and pointed to my locker. Her eyes widened. "Someone did graffiti on your locker?" I sighed, "It's not just any graffiti. It's graffiti with significance." As we walked to our last period Theater Arts class, I explained to Jamaya about B.D., the boys getting beat up, even though they weren't severely injured, and about the meaning of the diamond. She had her hand over her mouth. "Oh gosh! Who do you think it is?" I thought about it for a second. "Honestly, I have no clue," I said with a sigh, "But, I plan on finding out." I whipped out my phone, and sent Roc a text that read, "Roc. Call up everyone else and tell em to meet at your house tonight at around 7. We have some things to discuss." I slipped my phone back into my bag as Jamaya and I entered the class. Our regular teacher wasn't here today; we had a sub. I walked to my seat on the other side of the class, and I looked up to see Jared's sly grin looking back at me. Unfortunately, he sat right behind me in this class. The substitute began calling attendance. While he was doing, Jared kept 'psssst'-ing in my ear to try and get my attention. I tried ignoring him, but after the tenth time, he was really starting to piss me off. I swung around, "Can you not?" He put his hands up, "Sheesh feisty! Anyways, we have to talk after school." I raised an eyebrow. "No we don't. We have absolutely nothing to talk about." With that, I swung back around, trying my hardest to hit Jared in his face with my ponytail. "Amber Ryan." I raised my hand to let the teacher know that I was here. He called some more names. "Damon Thomas." Who was that? I never knew we had a Damon in our class. A voice from behind me started talking, "I'm here, but I'd prefer if you'd call me by my middle name, Jared." Jared's real name was Damon? How did I date this guy and not even know his real name? Gross. But wait... if Jared's real name is Damon, could B.D. mean... Bahja and Damon? My mind suddenly froze and goosebumps appeared on my skin at the thought of that. It all made sense. Who else would wanna harass me and my friend? The teacher finished up the attendance, and continued with the lesson. But I couldn't even concentrate. My mind was still on the fact that the two people who hate me most might be tag teaming against me.

-Later That Day-

After school, Jamaya and I went straight to Conjunction House where we met up with the boys, Breaunna, Laurielle and Ki'loni. They were sitting in the den when we arrived. "So what did we get called in here for Amber?" Roc asked me as I sat down next to Prod. The whole crew looked at me, waiting for my response. I looked at Prod. "Remember Saturday, when you guys got a note from some one in disguise as B.D. with a diamond?" He looked at me weird. "Yeah?" I looked at everyone now. "Well, I think I know who it is." Everyone in the room gasped. "Who do you think it is?" Ki'loni asked me. "I think it's Bahja and Jared. Think about it: B for Bahja, and D for Damon, whose middle name is Jared." Laurielle's eyes got wide, "Wow, that actually makes a lot of sense." Prince looked at me skeptically. "Are you sure Amber? Why would Bahja and Jared do this when it's obvious they don't like you? It's just too easy to link them to the crime." I nodded, he did have a point. Bahja and Jared are rude, bitter, and spiteful. They are many things, but they aren't stupid. They know how to cover up their tracks well. Jamaya added her opinion. "Well, if it's not Jared and Bahja, who could it be? They're the only two people who truly dislike Amber. No one else dislikes her so much, that they would wanna mess with her friends just to hurt her." Again, Jamaya had a really good point. Ray interjected the conversation. "That's what you think. There could be someone out there who dislikes Amber just as much Bahja and Jared do. And we might not even know who they are. Think about it. Amber is an attractive, smart girl who dates a member of a famous boy band. She probably has haters that she doesn't even know exist. B.D. can even be a Mindless fan for all we know! It's not safe to automatically assume that B.D. is Bahja and Jared." I blushed at the 'attractive, smart girl' part. But in all seriousness. Ray and Prince both brought up some valid point of views. What if B.D. was someone who I least expected? Just the thought of that made my stomach churn. I wanted this surreal nightmare to be over. Laurielle stood up from her seat, "All this depressing talk is making my head hurt. I'm going to the bathroom to get some fresh air." She walked out, and we continued our conversation. "Guys, it has to be Jared and Bahja. Even if there are people out there who dislike me. What fan is gonna go through all this because I date Prodigy? No one else has the motivation besides them." Prod shrugged. "I don't know babe, people can be naturally crazy." We all nodded. All the crazy people that we knew. "I still think it's Bahja and Jared. And knowing them, there's probably a twist in their plot." We all nodded again, and sat in a numb silence. There really wasn't that much more to say. Someone was harassing us, and there was no real way to find out who it was. Suddenly, I felt a wave of this weird feeling come over me. But this feeling was all too familiar. It was the same exact feeling I got the day of Ray's injury. It was strong, so I assumed something was gonna happen soon. I started to talk. "Guys. I have a feeling that something is gonn-" Before I could finish my sentence, the lights shut off. Within a matter a seconds, a scream was heard coming from down the hallway. It was Laurielle. "Laurielle!" Ray screamed in complete horror. The lights slowly flickered back on. We all sprang up and ran for the bathroom, with Ray leading the pack. When we got to the top of the winding staircase, we saw Laurielle lying on the floor, with the window wife open. She wasn't dead, but the sight was still traumatizing. Ray ran over to her, cupping her face in his hands. "She's breathing. She's just unconscious." He said between silent tears. "I'll get Keisha!" Prince said as he ran back to downstairs. "And I'll call the police," Ki'loni said, taking out her phone. I stood there in shock, staring at Laurielle's motionless body, trying to figure out what caused this. This was a scene straight out of a horror movie. Prod pointed to her stomach, "Hey Ray, what's that on Laurielle's stomach?" Ray lifted his head, and reached for the tiny slip of paper that lay on her stomach. Upon reading the note to himself, his tears began to flow heavier and heavier. And at that moment, I knew that something was terribly wrong. He began to read it out loud.

"Poor Laurielle was just caught in the cross fire. No one is safe, guys. Any of you could be next, because I'm closer than you think.

-B.D. ♢"


OMG. I'm spazzing while I write this LOL. This is starting to get juicy, eh?

Lmao, sorry these chapters are like really short :/ I'm trying my hardest to make long chapters I swear.

So many possibilities as to who B.D. is. Who is he? Or she? Or they? ...........

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