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    That last thing I remember was seeing a bright pink light shine through the thickness of the smoke, and someone faintly calling my name. “Amber! Amber!” After that, it was all a blur. My eyes flew open, to reveal Prodigy, shaking me. “Amber! Amber!” He pushed him away and started yelling, “Prod stop shaking me! We need to get out of this room before we burn to death!” He stopped shaking me, but looked at me like I was insane. “Burn to death? Amber, what the hell are you talking about?” I looked around. The smoke that previously engulfed the room was now gone. I touched my forehead, and I was sweating like crazy. I looked at Prod, “But... The room was just filled with smoke! And then some black gloves gripped my wrist, and I knew it was B.D.! B.D. started the fire, Prod! And then, right before I blacked out, there was a pink light! It was the only thing I saw through the thickness of the smoke. And now, its all gone. Just that quick.” The confused expression on his face faded away, and he chuckled softly. “Amber, I think you were having a nightmare.” I paused for a moment, then I laughed. “Of course! None of that stuff made sense, anyways. I'm just glad it was a dream. Had me shaking in my boots.” Prod laughed again. “Well, the only reason I woke you up was because your mom is here to get you.” I got up and stretched, “Alright. I'll see you tomorrow, babe.” I pecked him on his lips. He grabbed my waist and walked me down the stairs. “Tomorrow it is.” I met my mom in the hallway and we readied ourselves to leave, but I just couldn't distract myself from the paranoia caused by this nightmare. It all just seemed too real.

-December 22nd-


    It was the day of Diggy's party. I thought I would be more excited about this day, but I really wasn't. I was still mad at Ray. Well... I wasn't really mad at him, but I wasn't the type to really apologize to someone. But I can't even lie, I missed Ray so much. His goofiness and his sensitive side. But I simply pushed my feelings aside. I was scrolling down my Instagram feed, when I saw another picture of Ray on the MB account. It had a sappy, 'I miss you' love quote, just like the previous three he posted. I rolled my eyes, and locked my phone. I hated being mad at him, especially over something so petty. But, hated apologizing just as much. As I was deep in thought, the doorbell rung. I got up from my couch and opened the door. It was Ray. I didn't even give him a chance to speak before I started to close the door. Ray put his foot in between his door and the wall, so it wouldn't close completely. I sucked my teeth, and walked away, no longer trying to keep him out. He walked in and closed the door behind him. He walked over to me. "What part of 'I don't want to see you' don't you understand," I said to him as he got closer to me. He sucked his teeth the same way I did, "Oh please, Laurielle. That was two weeks ago. Don't sit here and act like you're still mad, because i know you're not. You're trying to tell me that you don't miss me at all?" I simply ignored Ray, even though everything he was saying was one hundred percent true. He spoke again, "Oh really? That's how you feel? So you're just gonna ditch me for Aaron now? Cool. Was Aaron the one that chose you over thousands of girls? Don't think so. Does Aaron invite you to his house almost every other freaking day? Nuh-uh. Does Aaron love and care for you unconditionally even though you're acting like a jerk towards your boyfriend? Definitely not. But hey, if you want to choose Aaron over me, be my guest. I hope you two will be happy together," Ray said, as he headed towards the door. I've had enough. Every single last word Rayan had said was right. I was being a jerk to the guy who cared the most about me. I grabbed his arm before he could touch the  door knob. "Ray... I'm so sorry." Then, the waterworks started flowing. Ray looked down at me, and wiped the tears streaming from my eyes. He kissed my forehead. "Look, Laurie," Ray said in a calmer tone, "I understand you and Aaron are friends, but he's coming between us. And that's no bueno. It would be the best for our relationship if you just stopped seeing him." I sniffed my nose, "Yeah, I understand. From now on, he is officially out of my life. No ones gonna come between me and my baby." We both smiled at the same time, and kissed each other passionately, for the first time in weeks. When we pulled away from each other, he said, "Now wipe them tears, girl! We got a party to get ready for!" I laughed, and led Ray upstairs to help me pick out an outfit. It felt good to have my boyfriend- no, my best friend back.

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