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I opened my eyes to the realization that it was the next morning. I looked around, and realized I wasn't in my room. I sat up frantically, trying to make out my surroundings. "Where am I?" I said to myself. Prod sat up next to me, putting his hands on my shoulder. "Amber, calm down. You're in my room," he said in a sleepy voice. Which, was incredibly sexy by the way. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed in relief. "How did I end up here?" I asked him. "After the club was set on fire, Roc and you met up with the rest of us somewhere along Sunset Boulevard. I called Walter and he came to pick us up. When we got here, it was already one in the morning, so your mom said you could just spend the night. So you've been here since." I looked down and saw that I was in an oversized T-shirt, probably one of Prod's old ones. Meanwhile, memories of last night started flooding my head. The kiss. The fire. The phone call. I realized I haven't told Prod yet. When I told him, he stared at me skeptically. "What do you think B.D. meant by 'Diggin these flames'? That's a little suspicious..." He trailed off. I tried to tie together his claim. Once I realized what he was hinting at, a chill shot down my spine. "Prod... Are you implying that you think B.D. is... Diggy?" He paused for a second, but nodded. "Basically. Well, I think he's apart of B.D. Remember, its multiple people." I pondered on the idea. I mean, it was possible. And B.D. had left us alone for a while, until we went to Diggy's party. It slowly started to make sense, but my only question was, why? "But what would be the motive?" Prod immediately grabbed his phone, as if he knew I'd ask that question. He showed me one of Diggy's tweets from a few hours before the party.

Diggy Simmons (@diggy_simmons)

Always gotta watch out for my family, no matter how far I have to go. Love ya cousin! @Beauty_OMG

I think I stopped breathing for a second. The fact that Daniel, the person I thought was my friend, was doing this to us, for his cousin. Chills shot down my spine. I thought back to the day Laurielle got hurt; the day Princeton mentioned suspicions of a deceiver, someone who was pretending to be on our side, but was really working against us. Diggy was the Deceiver. I was honestly almost in tears. I just couldn't believe it. I turned to Prod. "I can't believe he would do this to us, Prod..." I trailed off, trying not to cry. Prod put his arm around me. "I know, Amber. No one saw this coming." He stroked my hair, trying to keep me calm. But it didn't work. The fact that Diggy was the deceiver haunted me. All I know was that Bahja and Diggy were definitely part of B.D., possibly Jared, and that they had to be stopped.

-Two Days Later, Christmas Morning-

I woke up, but this time, in my own bed. I looked at the small alarm clock that sat on the desk next to my bed. Nine o'clock on Christmas morning. I stretched happily. Christmas was probably the only day of the year where I could breathe easy, and not worry about B.D., school, or other problems. I pulled my hair into a quick, messy bun, and walked downstairs. My mom was awaiting me on the couch. "Merry Christmas, Ambie!" She said, standing up to give me a hug. I smiled, "Merry Christmas, mom." I gave her a huge bear hug. She ran for the tree and reached for my gift. "I want to give you your gift first," she said, reaching out to hand me a medium sized box. I took off the wrapping paper, to reveal a white box. But I already knew what it was. "You got me the iPhone 5, mom? Thank you so much!" I said, ecstatic. I almost tackled her over while giving her a hug. She laughed, "No problem, sweetie! Now get off of me, you're cutting off my circulation." I laughed hard. I went under the tree and got her gift, and handed it to her. It was wide and thin. She opened it, and her face lit up. "Amber! This is beautiful." It was a hand drawn, black and white framed photo of my mom and I. I got my friend from school, Sirayah, to do it. I could see the tears form in my mom's eyes. She squeezed me tight. "Thank you so much, Ambie." "You're welcome mom," I said, chocking because she was hugging me so tight. She laughed. "I'm going to hang this right on the mantel." When she went to hang the picture up, an old photo album fell off the mantel. I picked it up for her. I've never seen this photo album before, and trust me, there was a lot of photo albums around our house. I flipped through it. It was just a bunch of old pictures of my mom and I. As I was flipping through the old pictures, I came across this picture of my mom, my dad, and I. There was also this random girl there, I had no idea who she was. I never really see pictures of my whole family like that, ever since my mom and dad got divorced. I was only two when it happened, so I didn't have a very vivid memory of him. I haven't seen him since. My mom doesn't like talking about him. But I was trying to figure out who this girl was, she highly resembled me, so I'm thinking its maybe a cousin I forgot or something. I brought the photo to my mom. "Hey mom," I asked her, "Who's this girl? Is she my cousin?" She took the photo album from my hands. She stared at it for a few seconds, and covered her mouth with her hand. I started to grow suspicious, "Mom, who is this? You know I hate when people keep secrets from me." She talked slowly, "Amber... this is your...

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