twenty six

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Louis' POV:

Harry and I get back to his house about two hours after Truth or Dare ended. We ate pizza and played a few more party games (and yes, I purposefully lost in Kiss and Blow just to kiss Harry) before both of us got pretty tired.

I spent a lot of the time after 7 Minutes in Heaven thinking about Harry. What to do to him, to be specific. And let me just tell you, I've got this in the bag. All I have to do is time it right and Harry will be down on his knees in minutes.

The only problem is the strength of my own willpower because I don't know how long I'll be able to hold off the urges of temptation if Harry goes all out. For fucks sake, I got hard from giving him a blowjob and had to jerk off in the bathroom (I was quiet) afterward. 

We go to Harry's room and the two of us change into some of his clothes and get ready for bed. It's a bit after midnight and both of us are too tired to do anything crazy tonight. I drank a total of three cups of fruit punch and the sugar crash has just recently hit me like a fucking Tonka trunk.

Harry also mentioned something about needing to get a lot of sleep soon and I don't question it, because at least for me, not getting enough sleep means I'm a cranky bitch in the mornings. We climb into bed and Harry pulls his multitude of blankets and sheets over us.

I immediately turn over and hug his waist, pulling him closer to me. Harry practically melts into my body, which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Thank you for today," Harry murmurs.

"It was my pleasure," I kiss his cheek softly and can already see him working hard to fight off sleep.

"Mine too," 

Harry gives out a cute little yawn and I snuggle up against him, keeping my one arm around him while I use the other to reach to turn off the bedside lamp. The room goes dark with the single exception of a small light by a chair in the corner of his room.

"Hazza, do you have a night light in here?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I have it there for when Niall comes over and I just keep it plugged in instead since I've got used to it. Is it alright? I can turn it off if you'd like," Harry stirs and starts to get up but I pull him back to me.

"No, don't worry, I was just asking. Why does Niall want it?"

"He's scared of the dark,"

"Is that why he looked scared when Zayn turned off most of the lights when we played Truth or Dare?"

"Yeah," Harry lets out another yawn, "Sorry, bean. I promise I'm listening, but I just can't help the yawning."

"Get some sleep, you need it. We can talk in the morning," I promise him and he gives me a little nod.

"Goodnight Lou."

"G'night Haz."

✰ ✰ ✰ 

t/w - sexual abuse

Harry's POV:

"Harry, honey, could you go get the door?" Mum asks when the doorbell rings.

Dad's done most of the cooking for this Thanksgiving and Mum's helping him dish it all up and put it on the table while we wait for everyone to show up.

"Sure, Mum!" I run to the front door and open it to see my grandparents (my dad's parents) standing there with big smiles on their faces. Grandpa's got a pumpkin pie in his hands and Grandma's got a plate of her famous chocolate chip cookies.

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