forty three

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a/n: the video is Harry singing Just a Little Bit of your Heart and the gif is what I imagine Harry looking at up Louis would soft of look like 

Louis POV:

"Hi, Jen!" She grins when I walk into the cafe with Harry close behind me.

"Hi, Lou! Hey, Harry," She notices the guitar case in his hand, "Are you performing today? No one's on stage at the moment, so you can if you'd like."

He gives her a grin, wrapping one arm around my waist as we stand there talking to Jen by the front entrance.

"Yeah, I've got a new set today. I'm excited, it's been a good while since I've been on stage,"

I stand on my tiptoes to whisper into Harry's ear. "Sorry for occupying your time, but me and my dick sincerely thank you,"

Harry blushes and grins at me, taking a little bow just noticeable enough for me to pick up on.

"Well, then the stage is yours!" Jen motions. He thanks her and gives me a quick kiss before heading up to unpack his guitar.

"Louis, honey, you're the world's loudest whisperer," Jen smirks at me and my cheeks flush red.

"Shut up. How long are you working here today?" I ask her.

"I actually worked a double-shift yesterday so I've got," She checks the time on her phone, "Five minutes until I can clock out."

"Want to hang out in the booth with me while Harry's playing? I want to catch up on things since I've been rather busy and haven't had much time to head down here lately,"

"Trust me, I know you've been busy with Harry. In the wise words of Louis Tomlinson, 'me and my dick sincerely thank you'. And sure, I can grab you a quick tea and meet you in the booth,"

I roll my eyes when she uses my words against me. "Thanks, J. I'll meet you over there,"

She nods and I walk over to our booth, this time sitting on the side where I have the best view of the stage. Harry's got his back to me as he gets his guitar all set up, and when he turns around he sees me staring and grins and waves in my direction.

I wave back, just now realizing the last time that I saw Harry up on that stage was when I worked up the courage to go and talk to him for the first time (technically I walked up and stared at his bum for a bit and then talked to him, but that's beside the fact). And now we're boyfriends - it feels unreal.

"Good luck!" I mouth and his smile broadens.

I just stare at that beauty of a man for a good 5 minutes before Jen joins me across the booth, carrying a mug of Yorkshire tea for me and a latte for herself.

"You're staring at him just like you did on the day Zayn and Liam took that picture," Jen peeks out of the booth and towards the stage where Harry's sitting on the stool and quietly fine-tuning his guitar strings.

I shrug. "He's just as breathtaking now as he was before, if not more so. I mean look at him," I motion proudly at the stage, "That's my boyfriend up there."

"YOU'RE FINALLY BOYFRIENDS?" Jen practically yells (she calls me loud and then screams like her pants are on fire in the middle of a coffee house) before clapping her hands over her mouth as to not make any more noise.

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