forty five

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t/w: brief mention of rape

Louis' Pov:

The hot water from the shower is running over us as I shove Harry up against one of the glass walls in our shower. I rut against his crotch, kissing him passionately as my hands run through his wet curls and down his back.

When Harry starts struggling to kiss back as I relentlessly grind against him (as any good boyfriend should do, obviously) I tell him to turn around. He simply nods and turns his back to me, pressing his hands flat against the foggy glass.

I grab his beautifully curved hips with one hand. My other hand teases his entrance, my finger occasionally slipping in as he whines in front of me.

"Don't tease, Lou,"

"You're dating the wrong person if you don't like teasing, babe," I hum.

He pushes back against my hand, clearly craving some sort of action, and I can't hold back much longer. Soon enough, I've lined myself up and I'm pushing inside him. The water from the shower mixed with the come already on my body from our last session makes it quite easy, and I push all the way in.

When I pull out to the tip of my dick, I stand still, waiting to see what he'll say next.

"Move, daddy-" Harry urges when he notices me staying still, and I take the opportunity to slam into him so hard that I'm surprised the glass is still intact.

"Like that?" I smirk, going harder with each thrust. Harry's whole body jerks forward every time and I can see his arms flexing as holds himself up against the wall.

"Yea- fuck, oh my god. Just like that," Harry's low moans filling the bathroom.

Harry's really tight, despite being fucked just a few days ago when I found him making french toast. When I went downstairs after waking up that day, he was only wearing a baggy shirt and a pair of deep blue panties underneath, and it was hard to resist. 

And let me tell you, morning sex with Harry is otherworldly.

It doesn't take long before my breathing is heavy and I'm close to my high. Harry warns me he's close with a mix between my name and a moan before he comes on the wall. I follow suit inside of him, cursing at the pleasurable feeling before finally pulling out and turning Harry back around to face me. 

The water from the shower washes his come down the drain, but we're too busy making out and trying to catch our breath to notice. My hands find their places around his neck and on the small of his back as I lightly choke him, knowing it makes him feel all sorts of ways when I do so.

The water heater in his house must be working overtime at this point, but the water's still hot when we finally break apart. Our lips are deep red and we're both tired out but deeply satisfied.

"How's your bum by the way?" I give it a little smack as he goes to grab the shampoo.

"Quite content," Harry gives me a wide grin, his dimples immediately deepening.

We finally get around to getting washed up, both of us smiling like love-struck idiots in the process.

When we're done, Harry offers me a fuzzy towel, which I gladly take and wrap around my waist. We've both got a slight hobble in our step, but I'm sure this is nothing compared to the soreness we'll both be feeling tomorrow. 

I give my hair a good towel dry and run my fingers through it so it swooshes out of my eyes and across my forehead. Harry simply ties his back with an olive-green bandana before we leave the bathroom and go into the bedroom.

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