chapter 1

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You woke up in the morning at the avengers tower 'caused by the alarm that Jarvis had set for you.
"argh, Jarvis turn it off.." you whined.
"I'm sorry miss Y/N but I'm pretty sure I can't do that" Jarvis answered.

"And why not?"

"Because Tony told me not to, until your out of your bed, miss" Jarvis continued.

You sighted and got out of the bed. You went straight to the bathroom of yours. After that you walked out of your room and went downstairs by an elevator.

"good morning" you heard from the kitchen.

You looked up and saw Thor with a nice cup of coffee in his hands.
"Would you like some?" he asked.

"Yeah sure." you answered and rubbed your eyes.

"Rough night?" he chuckled.

You looked at him confused as he gave you a cup of coffee at the same time. But then you realized when you looked yourself and saw how messy you were. Your hair was like a bird's nest and you forgot your pajamas on.

"Oh yeah, sorry about this"

"No, no need to apologize at all" he laughed at you.

You sipped your coffee and you swear that you could feel the caffeine running through your body.

Then you saw Tony coming down the stairs towards you two. "Oh, finally awake?" he looked at you.

"Yeah, thanks to you.." you whined. "Why did you want me awake so early?"

"Because your training starts today" he told you.

He promised you week ago that Nat would teach you to fight without your magic.

"Oh alright, that's nice but why so early?" you kept whining.

"Because I said so" Nat said after she showed up to the kitchen.

You looked her with a little annoyed look in your eyes and sighed. Thor just laughed at you and kept laughing as he saw your irritated face.
"Thor you're not helping" you grumbled at him.

"Alright grumpy cat, drink that coffee of yours so we can start the practice before evening hits." Nat ordered.
"Oh and change that, 'outfit' to something you can train at"

You sipped rest of your coffee and went straight to your room and changed your pajamas to training outfit (which were ordinary pants and jacket). Your training outfit was all around black with tiny little yellow details. You liked it a lot, yellow was your favorite color.
Then your hair was the only one thing left and you just tied it up in high ponytail.


Elevator's doors opened and you stepped inside the training room.
"You finally decided to show up" Nat said little sarcastically.

You nodded and Nat took you closer to training mat.
"Today we're going to learn some self defense" she started.

"But I can defense myself"

"Yeah, with magic. You are here to learn how to do it without it"

Nat dragged you on the mat and standed right in front of you.
"First we are going to learn some basics"
she started and got in starting position.

The train was long and you got beaten up many times. You trained hours and hours. And at the same time you just wished that you could use your powers and levitate some objects with your bare hands, straight to her so she couldn't drag you down over and over again.

That was your power, moving objects with your hands, but you had something else too. You can sometimes, heal people. But only those you care about, no one else. Thor says it's a gift. But you don't really think it that way. It sucks that you can't heal everyone. And the group of people who you care about isn't really wide either.


"Well, how is it going?" Tony asked as he walked outside of the elevator.
And right at the same time Nat kicked you down to the ground.
"That well.." Tony chuckled.
You just rolled your eyes at him.

Nat offer you her hand and you took it. "Well, I think that's enough training for today. We will continue tomorrow." she said and left the room.

You sighed deeply and slumped to the couch which was at the corner of the training room.
"You ok kiddo?" Tony asked you when he sat down right next to you.
"Yeah, I just got beaten up so many times. I didn't think that this would be this difficult without powers." you told him with a piece of disappointment in your voice.
"This was your first time, even I didn't think that you would success perfectly. Besides you are quick learner, you will catch up soon." he said with gently voice.

You look up to him and met his eyes, he looked at you fatherly and clapped your shoulder.

"Alright, com'on kiddo, let's go eat. Clint wanted to order pizza" Tony said and got up from the couch.

You followed him to the living room where the rest of the team was.

"We were just about to order, what would you like?" Clint asked when you two arrived.

"I'd like some pepperoni pizza, as usual." Tony said.

"I.." you started but Jarvis interrupted you.

"Mr. Stark. SHIELD ordered the team to a fight. It's an emergency."

"Ok everyone, pizza can wait. We are going to battle so suit up." Cap ordered immediately.
"And Y/N. You stay here." he pointed at you.

They didn't take you to battles often. They think that you were too young and that you didn't have enough experience. That's why they decided to train you though.

You sighed because you really wanted to help. They were your friends after all. You didn't have anyone else, they were your only family.

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