chapter 15

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Next day you were training with Natasha when you got called from living room. "Alright let's go, they need us there immediately." Nat ordered and you followed her to the others.

You walked out of the elevator and everyone else was already there, including Loki. You walked right next to him automatically and he smiled at you. "Everything alright?" Tony asked when everyone was gathered. "There's attack going and they need our help. They are some kind of aliens." Cap answered concerning look on his face while he was talking. "Aren't they all?" Clint spoke up and laughed. "Not time for jokes Barton." Cap said and looked at him with serious look on his face. Clint raised his hands as surrender, he didn't want to argue right now. "Okay everyone, time to put on your armors and head to the fight. Oh, and Y/N you too. It's time for you to fight as one of the avengers. And Loki should come too, we need all the help." he ordered and you were happy that he finally let you to fight by their side. "I wouldn't trust him. He could just easily sabotage us." Tony grumbled at Cap. "No he won't.... I'll make sure he don't." you protested first but you wanted to please Tony so you convinced that you could keep eye on him, although he didn't need it.

Tony sighed but nodded and walked away to get ready for the battle. "So, you keep your eye on me?" Loki chuckled but looked little insulted, you thought that he thinks that you don't trust him. "You don't need it, I just said it so Tony would be more pleased. I trust you, Loki." you convinced as you smiled warmly at him. "Glad to hear that, darling." he said you and gave you soft kiss. You guessed that he didn't want to show his interest on you while others were around. And you let it be like that, you understood well why he didn't like attention, as you didn't either.


You all were in plane which Clint was flying. You were little nervous about the fight because you never have been one of those. Loki noticed that, as he always, and whispered to your ear. "You're going to do well and I'm by your side and will protect you."
You smiled at him and slowly put your hand in his so no one could notice that.

You got to the battle field, it looked horrible. There was those 'aliens' everywhere and you knew that it was going to be rough one. "Alright everyone let's begin. First thing to do is get everyone who are injured, safe. Fury is coming with his helicarrier to take them safe any minute now." Cap ordered you all and you all nodded back to him as agreement. You walked out of the plane Loki by your side. You got to work. You noticed immediately few of the injured and ran up to them. "I found two injured!" you shouted. You just hoped that you could help them but your healing power wasn't good enough yet. You had been already two times in Asgard after the second trip to there, and Frigga had told you a lot but not enough. You were only capable to heal little wounds.

Tony and Clint were coming towards you to help you with the injured ones. But suddenly there were coming two aliens towards you with their guns pointing at you. You stood up and raised you hands and lifted them up by using your magic. And before they could shoot you, you threw them a long way down which killed them immediately. By then Clint and Tony got to you and took the injured ones and took them to the just arrived helicarrier. "Well done darling." Loki said when he had teleported to you. He was wearing his armor and helmet. You thought it looked good on him while others just laughed at it earlier.

You smiled and kept fighting. It was going well and you had actually learned something. You kicked their asses down one after another with your magic and also with some fighting techniques Nat had taught you.
"Loki! Get your ass here immediately I need help with these injured people!" Thor called Loki. He looked at you concerned that he had to leave you without his protection. "It's alright, go. I can handle these." you said to him with smile. "If you're sure, but I'll be back as soon as I can." Loki told you and smiled back and then teleported to Thor.

Now you focused yourself back to the battle. You saw plenty of aliens coming toward you. But you weren't scared, you had to fight them, you were part of the team. You used all the power you had and started to fight them. It looked like it was going well first but then out of nowhere, one of the aliens surprised you from behind and stabbed you. Straight to your lower back. You dropped on your knees while you felt huge pain in your back. But somehow you fought against the alien who stabbed you and killed it with your magic. You were now in huge pain and still on your knees on the ground. More aliens were coming towards you and you forced yourself up so you could fight them. But before you could do anything, Loki teleported to you and fought the aliens out of your way. "Y/N!" Loki shouted as you were falling back to your knees because of the pain. He caught you before you fell and took you in his arms. "It's alright I got you." he said softly and lifted you up to his arms. He carried you to the plane where Thor was fighting against a big Alien.
"Y/N? Is she injured?" he asked worried after he had killed the alien. "She got stabbed by one of the aliens." Loki told him concerning look on his face. "Ay guys, Y/N is hurt! We need to get out of here as soon as possible!" Thor told the others. It wasn't that hard to finish the fight because it was clearly ending up to your victory.


Soon as the others got their way out of fight and killed last ones of the aliens, they hurried to you. "Did you do that to her?!"Tony grumbled at Loki. "You really think that I would hurt her?! Never!" Loki grumbled very angrily back to Tony. "Let's just get her inside the plane." Nat ordered stopping their fight and opened the planes door so you could enter. Loki carried you to the medical table and put you down carefully. You gave a little whine out of your mouth when your back touched the table. "I'm sorry darling, i'm trying to be more careful." Loki said with concerned and hurted voice. "It's alright, I'm fine." you convinced him but you noticed that he didn't believe you.
The plane got up from the ground and you hurried back to the tower so you could get some medical care.


When you landed on the tower, Thor came at you. "Let me carry her, brother." Thor said to Loki who was already lifting you up. "I can carry her by myself." Loki. resisted and looked angrily at Thor. "Loki, you are more injured than me, let me carry her." Thor said again and placed his hand on Loki's shoulder. "No, as I said I can.." Loki started to protest but you stopped him when you placed your hand onto his. "Thor is right, you are injured. You need to get some medical help as well." you said him softly but quietly because you were in pain. Loki clearly wanted to protest at that but gave up because Thor was already lifting you up. He didn't want to hurt you so he didn't attack on Thor, even though he clearly wanted to.
"Alright, let's get you to medical room, yellow one." Thor said and walked inside the tower. It was adorable that he used that nickname again. You smiled a little at him before you passed out and heard Loki shouting your name.

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