chapter 25

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Finally you had arrived back to earth. You headed straight to the tower because Thor doubted that Hydra could be anywhere, trying to take you.

"Is everything alright?" Nat asked when you arrived to the living room where others were watching tv. She clearly had noticed your shocked and worried feelings.
"The guy from Hydra escaped from Asgard and we have no idea where he is." Thor explained as he got everyone's attention. "What?!" Tony stood up from the couch. "You told us that it is almost impossible to escape from there." He added while he walked up to you. "Yes, almost." Thor underlined. "Shit, this isn't good." Nat commented. "We have to make sure Y/N is safe. We need to make some plan to protect her." Cap spoke up as he stood up too. You just watched the situation from aside like you were just air to them.

"Hey I'm still here." you suddenly spoke up and got others attention. "I don't need extra protection, I'm fine. Besides I'm already in the safest place in the city, or am I wrong?" you asked and looked at Tony. "Well, you're not. But you still might be in huge danger, I suggest that..." Tony replied but you interrupted him. "Please Tony, I can take care of myself. I don't need protection, really." you tried to convince them. Tony went silent for a moment but then spoke again. "Alright, but let's make a compromise. We aren't gonna give you extra protection if you don't leave the tower."

You thought it for a second, but then you accepted it. If you started to protest now, Tony wouldn't even let you leave your room.
"Alright fine." you sighed. Everyone else nodded and agreed as well which made Tony pleased.


You had stayed with the team the rest of the evening and now you were tired, so you headed back to your room to get some sleep. You told everyone good night before you left and were surprised that Tony didn't send a bodyguard with you.

As you got finally in your room, you fell straight onto bed. This day had been rough and exhausting.
It was hard to fall asleep because Hydra came up to your thoughts all the time. You just really hoped that Loki would be here to take you into his arms tightly, until you could fall asleep. You didn't want to admit it, but you really needed him right now.


Few days passed boringly as you had to stay inside the tower all the time. Although you still had take care of Clint so others could keep planning that party.
But finally Clint's birthday came and now you had to take him away from the tower, so the others could finish their jobs. Tony had let you leave the tower because he dared to trust your safety to Clint.

You were packing up your dress and Clint's suit. Nat had stole it from Clint's closet few days earlier.
Suddenly someone knocked on your door, it was Thor. You invited him in as you finished your packing. "Hey, I just wanted to make sure that you're okay. You can still cancel if you're too afraid to leave." he told you concerning. "I'm not afraid! I'm going to be alright, don't worry." you convinced him as you lift up your backpack. He looked at you disbeliefed. "Seriously, I'm going to be alright. They haven't try anything for days, nearly weeks. Why would they try now?" you questioned.
"I don't know, but there's always possibility that they attack." Thor tried still change your mind about leaving. "Please Thor, I had to convince Tony all day to him to accept my leaving. Don't start now." you whined and looked him seriously into his eyes. He sighed long and deeply. "Alright fine. But you need to promise me one thing, yellow one. If something happens, you call me straight away." Thor made you promise and it was fine to you.

"And now, let me carry that for you." he told you and took your backpack from your hands.

You walked downstairs where Clint was already waiting for you. "Alright, can at least one of you tell me what the heck is going on?" Clint asked immediately when you arrived. "Cap wanted us to deliver a package to the SHIELD." you explained him. That was your plan to keep him away from rest of the afternoon. It was long drive by car to SHIELD's base and it would take you necessary time to keep him away from here. "Okay, but why are you coming too? I thought that you had to stay here?" he questioned your presence. "Well Tony let me go with you, because I needed some landscape change from here. And he thought that I could be safe with you. Both wins." you explained. Clint raised his eyebrow first, but then accepted your explanation. "Alright then, let's go. You have the package?" he asked and pointed to the car. "Yup, in my backpack." you replied and clapped it few times as Thor gave it to you.

"Okay yellow one, be safe." Thor whispered to your ear while he hugged you. "Always." you replied and headed after Clint.


Drive was long and little exhausting but it went great as you talked with Clint. He had good sense of humor.
You also felt bad because today was his birthday and you all agreed to not even wish him happy birthday, so it could be great surprise. Clint looked little sad, because he clearly thought that all of you had forgot him.

But you couldn't handle yourself anymore so you spoke up. "Happy birthday by the way." you wished him. His eyes lighted up a bit when he heard it. "Thanks, you were the only one who remembered actually. Even my best friend didn't remember." he told you little disappointed. "I'm sure they didn't forget." you tried to convince him. Clint just shook his head. "We'll see about that." he said. You felt bad now, but you tried to remind yourself about the party and how happy Clint would be.

"Oh by the way, what is it in that package?" Clint decided to change the subject. Shit, you almost forgot about it. You checked the time and it was almost your time to get back. "Oh yeah that, stop there and I'll show you." you told him and pointed at the old building on the side road. "There?" he questioned. "Yes, Fury is waiting for us there. We have to give the package in outlying place. Fury's orders." you explained. Clint was little confused but followed your orders. He drove next to the building and you got out of the car. He followed you towards the building confused, what was going to happen.

You opened the door and walked in with Clint behind you. "There's no one here."Clint wondered as he looked around the place. Then you opened your backpack and took his suit out of it. "Here, you need to change up." you told him with little grin on your face. "Wha.. why?" he asked confused and amused. "You'll see, just do it." you ordered and walked out of the building as Clint had took his suit from your hands.

While he changed inside, you walked back to the car and changed up too. You had lovely dark green dress. It was ordinary but beautiful.
After you had changed, you walked back and at the same time Clint opened the door. "Okay, now you have to tell me what's going on." he said as he saw you in dress. "No, I won't." you chuckled and grinned. He rolled his eyes.

"So, where are we going now? I don't think that SHIELD is expecting us aren't they?" he laughed a little. "Well, you might be right. But now, we're heading back to the tower." you told him as you were walking back to the car. "What the heck." he laughed and sat down on the driver's seat. "As I said, you'll see." you told him again.

He just shook his head, clearly having no idea what was going on. You thought that he would have guessed it already but no. You were little amused by his stupidity.

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