chapter 31

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None of the team didn't let you meet Bucky that day and it pissed you off. 'You were too weak to meet him.' Those words had came from Cap's mouth that evening when you tried to sneak out to visit Bucky. Well of course they had heard your stupid wheelchair and now Loki was babysitting you all the time. 

Next morning, Jarvis woke you. "Ms. Y/N, Tony has requested you come to the downstairs in living room. And Loki too."
"Thanks Jarvis, we're coming." you thanked, Tony had clearly assumed that Loki would be here with you.
You tried to get up on your own but it was hard. "Let me help you love." Loki told you gently after he had changed. "No, I have to do it myself." you resisted and kept fighting with your stupid no moving legs.
But after little fighting and swearing, you finally got yourself on the wheelchair. You didn't like to sit on that at all, but you didn't have a choice.

You headed to your closet to change your pajamas. "Need help?" Loki asked you again when you tried to take off your pajama pants. You shook your head, "You can wait outside, I'll be ready soon."
Loki nodded and left closing the door behind him. You managed to take off your pajamas but putting your clothes on was harder than you thought. Your legs weren't working good today and you couldn't lift them up. "Fuck this!" you sweared and threw your pants to the wall.
Then you heard quiet and gently knocking on your door. "Darling, what's wrong?" Loki asked as he opened the door. He rushed to you immediately when he saw your tears. "Oh darling, why are you crying..?" he asked softly but concerned. You hadn't actually noticed that you have started crying over such a ridiculous thing. "I'm done with my stupid legs, I can't even get my pants on." you mumbled and wiped off your tears. Loki smiled you gently and grabbed your pants from the ground. He lifted your legs and put them on.

You looked ashamed at the ground. "Y/N, love, you don't have to be ashamed for being helped. You can always ask me for help." Loki told you gently and lifted your chin with his fingers and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. You smiled a little, and after you had changed the rest of your clothes, you headed to the living room. Loki would have wanted to help you but you resisted and told him that you can move by yourself. You have learned pretty good how to move with that stupid ridiculous wheelchair.

Finally you entered to the living room, where others were already waiting for you. Or almost everyone, Tony was missing. "How are you feeling yellow one?" Thor asked immediately when he saw you two. "I'm alright, just want to get out of this chair." you whined a bit and Thor chuckled. "I'm sure you will soon." he answered and placed his hand softly in yours. Loki noticed that and gave a mean glare at him, which make Thor back off a bit.
"Does somebody know why we are here?" Clint asked suddenly and sighed. Everyone just shook their heads. "No idea, Tony asked me to come but didn't tell a reason." Cap replied as confused as the others.

Then just at the right time Tony came out of the elevator and he was followed by young boy, just around your age.
"Ah, you are already here, great!" Tony said and walked up to you. "Why you wanted us here?" Nat asked, she was clearly bored. "I wanted you to meet someone." Tony answered and stepped aside in front of the boy.
"This is Peter." Tony added and pointed at him. Peter just smiled awkwardly and waved.
"You are that spider-boy, aren't you?"  Clint asked and shook Peter's hand. "Actually spider-man, but yes. Nice to meet you mr hawkeye." Peter replied nervously. "I like this kid." Clint grinned.

"And this kid is going to help us in the next mission." Tony told you with proud tone in his voice. You looked strangely at him.
"Why? We haven't needed more help before, so why now?" Thor asked confused. "Because one of us can't fight right now and we have a important mission tonight where SHIELD ordered us all." Tony explained.

"Wow, you replaced me pretty easily." you grumbled a little and they all turned their attention on you. "Oh c'mon Y/N no, I'm not replacing you." Tony replied and rolled his eyes. You were mad, you felt like you didn't have actual meaning in this team.
"Yes you are, but sure, don't mind me at all. I was leaving anyway." you murmured and headed to the elevator. "Y/N.." Loki said but you already had left before he could reach you.

Loki was just about to head after you but Tony stopped him by grabbing his shoulder. "Let me talk to Y/N, this is between her and I." Tony said him and headed after you.

You slammed your room's door behind you furiously. How could he replace you? Didn't you mean anything to them?

Soon you heard a knock on your door, it was Tony. Hen entered slowly, like he was expecting that you would threw him across the room.
"Y/N, listen. You understood this whole thing wrong, I'm not replacing you." he told you gently. You didn't answer and just glared at him. Tony took few steps closer at you. "Kid please, I could never replace you, but we seriously need help right now. There's big mission coming and SHIELD needs us all." he tried to explain but you didn't care. "Yeah whatever." you sighed and turned your eyes at the floor.
"We are leaving soon, come to meet us before we go. Please." Tony told you gently and you nodded. He gave you a tiny smile and walked away.


Few hours passed and it was time to the team to leave. You went to downstairs. When you entered to the living room, Loki was there, alone. "Y/N, are you okay?" he asked as he walked up to you with concerned look on his face. "Yeah i'm alright.." you mumbled. He kneeled in front of you and grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles. "I'm sorry I wasn't there with you, but the others didn't let me. I almost stabbed Clint when he tried to stop me." he grinned and looked at you apologizing. "It's alright, I wanted to be alone anyway. Is Clint alright?" you asked worried about him. "Yeah he's alright.. I still should have even stabbed Tony, for doing that to you. It pisses me off." he grumbled a little. You placed your hand on his cheek and smiled. "You don't have to defend me all the time." you said softly and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Yes I do, and I always will." Loki told you gently and kissed you.

It would have lasted longer if the others wouldn't have arrived.
"Alright, everyone ready?" Cap asked when they had gathered around you. "I'll stay with Y/N." Loki said immediately. "No, we need you at the mission." Cap replied and pointed him with his finger. Loki clenched his fists, you noticed that and placed your hand gently on his. He relaxed a bit from your touch. "Brother, I wouldn't want to leave her here either, but this is very important." Thor grumbled at Loki a bit. "It can't be that important." Loki grumbled back. "It is.." Cap told Loki and looked at you for a second before he continued. "..we will explain it to you later."

You glared at them, something was going on and they didn't want to tell you what it was.

Then you heard someone running up the stairs.
"Sorry mr Stark, I'm late... I didn't mean to.. I thought..." Peter struggled nervously when he had finally arrived. "It's okay, calm down." Tony told him gently and fatherly, just like he talks to you sometimes. You glared at Peter too, he looked too excited to take your place in the team.

Then Cap turned on Loki again and raised his eyebrows. Loki looked like he was about to protest, but then suddenly he decided to be silent and just nodded. You thought that Loki had got Cap's hint and you had no idea what it was.

"Okay SHIELD needs us now, so let's get going. And Y/N..." Cap ordered and turned on you. "Don't do anything stupid or dangerous, and don't leave your room. Only if you really have to." he ordered and you gave him mean glare. Then you rolled your eyes and nodded.
"Alright let's go." Tony said and they all started heading to the roof, except Loki. He kneeled again in front of you. "Darling, I'll be back as soon as possible. Call me if you need me, here." he handed you something that looked like a earplug. "I have a similar one myself. Put it into your ear when you need me, I will always answer. Tony gave us all one of these." he continued and dropped it onto your hand. "Thank you, Loki. I love you, and I'll be fine don't worry." you told him softly and kissed him. "I love you too, darling Y/N." he replied and smiled a little melancholy.
He stood up slowly, still keeping his grip tightly in your hand. Thor walked to you and grabbed Loki's shoulder. "Let's get going brother." he told him gently and then turned on you. "We'll be back soon yellow one, be safe." Thor told you and smiled. You smiled back and watched how Loki's hand left yours when they headed to the others.

And then they were gone. They had left you there by yourself because you were too weak to fight.

But then, suddenly, you got an idea, they have forgot about Bucky, and now no one was stopping you from talking to him. It was a great opportunity for you.

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