Chapter 13

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Braxton couldn't find anyone to come out that day to replace his broken window so he had to settle for Monday. He would have to cancel his patients for that day, but it couldn't be helped. Fortunately, none of them were in crisis and were able to skip a week. He told them to call him if they needed him and he'd make time for them. Next, he took Marissa to get her wrist x-rayed. Afterwards, he suggested they get a bite to eat at a restaurant, as she had not wanted lunch and he hadn't eaten either as he was busy calling around to see if he could get the window fixed that day.

"I'm not hungry, Braxton."

"You need to eat, Marissa. I think it would be good for you to do something social, even if it's just a meal at a restaurant. When was the last time you did that?"

"A few weeks ago, when I was out of the country."

"That was for work, right?" She nodded, not wanting to give out more info than she had to. "You need to get out for more than just work. What do you say? I know a good place that has a wide variety on the menu – unless there's somewhere you'd like to go?"

"No, that would be fine."

To her surprise, Marissa enjoyed the lunch, though she didn't eat everything on her plate and had to ask for a doggy bag. She had a nice chat with Braxton – who kept it light and stayed away from the topics of her cancer and her secretiveness. It was relaxing to forget all about the Cartel, the beating from Tomas and the shooting at Braxton's for a bit. It had been a very long time since she'd had a social outing with a friend and it made her realize all the more how much she missed it.

"I told you all about my family, but I know nothing about yours", she said to him over their meal.

"My parents are in Boulder – that's where I grew up. They are retired. My sister is in LA, she's a teacher and single. No other siblings."

"Did you have a happy childhood?"

"Yes, pretty much. The usual ups and downs of growing up."

"What made you decide to become a psychologist?"

"I wanted to help people with their problems. It was either psychologist or psychiatrist, but the latter takes too long. I didn't want to be in school and residency for 11 or 12 years. Besides, I would rather do talk therapy than drug therapy. Pharmaceuticals have their place, but I believe more in talking it out – unless there is a pathological cause for the behaviour or issues, in which case, medication is called for."

"I bet you are a good psychologist."

"I hope I am. For the sake of my patients." They both laughed.

"What do you like to do for fun?"

"I read a lot. Watch a little tv. Sometimes I'll go see a movie on the weekend or go to some yard sales. Not that I need to buy that way, but you can find some really cool things. Gavin keeps telling me I need to get out more, but it's not all that fun going by yourself. What about you, Marissa? What did you do before you came down here?"

"I was an office manager for a law firm and trying to save up enough money to go to veterinary school."

"You didn't go?"

"No, I only had another year or two to go with saving but then things happened."

"You mean having your tendons cut?"

"Yes. After that, I had to give up my dream. A vet needs to be able to stand on her own for long periods."

"So you came down here?"

"Not right away, but eventually, yes."

"Did coming here have anything to do with being kidnapped?"

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