Chapter 29

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or storyline. The only characters I own are my OC's. All rights go to Masashi Kishimoto. 

Himika and Ino looked at each other in shock. Almost as if they were trying to figure out the situation together, except not coming up with anything.

"Can I take this page?" Himika asked. Ino nodded and she tore the page out of the book. Himika took off running out of the shop and towards Sasuke's apartment. She had a million things running through her mind at this moment. Like, how could she and Sasuke not know they were related? How could the Uchiha clan keep it from them?

As she got to his door, she knocked frantically.

"Sasuke! Open the door!" She yelled. She heard quick footsteps and the door flung open revealing a confused Sasuke.

"Himi? What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked her. Himika pushed through him and into his apartment. She heard the door close and she turned to him.

"Okay, before you say anything I just want you to know I just found this out," Himika said and slowly handed the piece of paper to him. Sasuke looked at the paper and scanned the names on it. Once he got to Himika's mom's name, he stopped. He looked at her with wide eyes.

"T-this can't be..." Sasuke stuttered. Himika didn't know what to say. Sasuke grabbed her hand and they took off.

"Sasuke, where are we going?" She asked. Sasuke still held her hand as they were running.

"To my clan's compound. We are going to figure this out now." Sasuke said in a stern voice. Himika understood. As they approached his clan's compound they stopped outside it. The police tape was still up. After looking at the tape, Sasuke walked on into the residency. They walked towards a huge door and walked in.

"Where are we?" Himika asked as she looked around the room. It looked like a library.

"Each clan has its own historic building. From Jutsu to family members." He said and they walked towards the back of the room. As they got towards the back, there was a shelf that read, "Uchiha Family History" on it. Sasuke scanned the books until he landed on one and took it off the shelf. He flipped through the pages, landing on his most current family members. It showed Fugaku, his father, and there was a name right next to it. Although it was crossed out.

"My dad had a sibling?" Sasuke said in a confused voice. Himika looked down at the page. She wondered if she could use her jutsu on it.

"Sasuke, hand me the book." She said. Sasuke eyed her but handed it to her. Once the book was placed into her hands she closed her eyes and started focusing on the page. She put her chakra into the book. Suddenly it was like a flashback happened.

"Fugaku I love him!" Yuna yelled at her brother. He looked disappointed in her.

"Yuna, how could you do this to our clan. Why would you marry into a clan that we have a rivalry with? A clan that can steal our secrets and lay torment on us? Even kill us?" He said. Yuna looked hurt. How could her brother not approve?

"How would you know Fugaku? You hardly talk to your wife even. Do you even love her?" She snapped at him. Fugaku activated his Sharingan on her. At the same time, Yuna activated hers. At that moment their father walked in.

"What is all this nonsense! Fugaku, Yuna you know better than to use your Kekkei Genkai on each other! It is against our law." He said in a displeasing tone. Both of them released their Sharingan.

"I'm sorry father. I was just discussing with Yuna how reckless she is being with marrying that guy from the Yamakura clan." Fugaku said not, breaking eye contact with her. Their father walked up to Yuna.

"Yuna, my daughter. If this is something you decide to do. You will no longer be an Uchiha. You will be written out of everything. You will not be discussed with any of the children and will not be discussed with the clan." He said. Yuna's eyes watered.

"If that is the risk I must take for love..." She said and looked into her father's eyes.

"Then I will take it." She said and walked out.

Himika's eyes snapped open and she fell to the ground with a gasp. Sasuke kneeled down next to her with a hand on her back.

"Himika what's wrong? What happened?" He asked. She was catching her breath as she looked up at him. Himika's eyes watered and she told him what she saw. Sasuke looked upset.

"So all because your mom married your dad, we couldn't know we were related?" He asked. Himika sat up against the bookshelf.

"I guess Fugaku's concern was that if my mom married my dad, then she would let him have all of the Uchiha's secrets and the clan would be destroyed." She said. Sasuke looked at Himika. He couldn't believe that his family would disown one of their own. He got up and looked through the books again. Himika looked at him in confusion.

"Now what are you looking for?" She asked him. He didn't answer. Sasuke found the book he was looking for and flipped halfway through the book. As he read down through the page he was looking at and found what he was looking for.

"Here. It reads," He started

"When the Yamakura clan came to Konoha, the Uchiha were skeptical. They knew of their powers and what they did back in their village. They were strong and claimed to be noble. The Uchiha were worried that they were here to take their secrets and their power. So, they shunned the Yamakura clan to the opposite side of the village. They had nothing to do with them for years. After the Second Great Ninja War, the Uchiha and Yamakura clans had to work together. After realizing they just wanted to be left alone and not bother anyone, they made a treaty. The treaty said that as long as they did not have to work together, they were to be left alone and no one would bother them." Sasuke read the page aloud to Himika. As he read, she thought about everything they had just found out.

"Is there anything else?" She asked him. Sasuke turned the page but it was blank.

"No, there isn't anything after the history of the Third Great Ninja War. That's weird." Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows at the book. He looked back and forth through the pages but there wasn't anything else written. This was weird to him because there was a designated person who wrote the history of their clan. So why wasn't there anything after the Third Great Ninja War? He analyzed the book further. He noticed there was a tear in the book.

"Someone tore the page out." He said. Himika furrowed her eyebrows.

"What? Why?" She asked.

"Maybe because as you said you saw. Maybe because Yuna married Toharu they tore out the pages having to do with her and what happened. He did say that the clan would know nothing about her right?" He said. Himika nodded. It was sad to know that Himika wasn't able to know her entire family and her history growing up. It made sense now though. Why Fugaku looked at her the way he did all the time. Why he never spoke to her.

They put the books away and walked out of the building. They were silent. They were still processing what they just read and found out. All of it was so much to take in at one time.

"Sasuke..." Himika said, almost in a whisper. He looked at her.

"So, what do we do now? Now that we know we are related?" She asked.

"I don't know. You said your mom had the Sharingan?" He asked. She nodded.

"Maybe we try and see if you have it?" He didn't know what to do either. He was just as shocked and confused as her. This entire time Himika thought she had no family, and Sasuke thought his only family was his brother. Now they had each other. They had family who they could turn to. Family, they could lean on. Although they were cousins, they felt like brother and sister. They knew each other's secrets and feelings. Knowing this brought them closer together. 

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