Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Himika and her family. All rights go to Masashi Kishimoto.

Himika has been in class for over an hour now and it still hasn't started. Iruka- sensei never came to class to welcome them yet either. As Himika looked around the classroom, she saw everyone was there. Except for Naruto.

"He must be looking for Naruto," Himika thought.

She put her head in her hands and looked out the window. As she looked out she saw the Hokage's faces. They had paint all over them. Himika laughed to herself. As she did, Sasuke Uchiha looked at her curiously.

"What are you laughing at Himika?" he asked. She pointed out the window towards the Hokage's faces with a smile.

"Hn, what a loser," Sasuke said.

When Himika heard what Sasuke said about Naruto, she hit him over the head and said,

"Don't call Naruto names! Just cause he lives life instead of moping around, doesn't give you a right to be mean." Himika knew what had happened to Sasuke's clan. She was the first person he told when it happened and she was there for him. He never truly thanked her, but he was grateful to her.

After giving Sasuke a lecture, Iruka- sensei bust through the door with a tied up Naruto. Himika and Naruto locked eyes and giggled at each other. Iruka noticed and frowned at the two.

"I'm at the end of my rope Naruto. You failed the graduation exam last year and you're messing up again." Iruka- sensei lectured to Naruto. Naruto turned his head to the side with a pout.

Iruka grew an irk mark on his forehead and turned to the class. "Fine, since Naruto missed it, we're going to review the transformation Jutsu." At his statement, the entire class groaned but gathered at the front of the class in a line.

The first person up was a bubblegum haired girl named Sakura Haruno. Himika looked at the girl and smiled, knowing she'll do just fine.

"Alright, Sakura here. Transform!" Sakura transformed into Iruka-sensei without missing any detail.

"Transformed into me... Good work." Iruka said marking stuff on his clipboard. As Sakura released the Jutsu she turned around and looked at Sasuke.

"Sasuke did you see that!" Himika rolled her eyes at the fangirl.

Next up was Sasuke. Once he walked forward every girl's eye was on him. He transformed into Iruka and released the Jutsu just as fast. Not wanting to be the center of attention any longer than he has to be. Himika was after Sasuke. Before she walked up, Naruto spoke from behind her.

"You go Himika! You can do it." Himika smiled and nodded at her blonde best friend. She walked up and did the signs for the transformation Jutsu. She transformed perfectly into Iruka-sensei, obviously. She was at the top of her class. After doing the Jutsu and getting a good job from Iruka- sensei, she walked back to her seat.

From where she was sitting she watched Naruto.

"Maybe he'll finally do the Jutsu correctly this time." Himika thought as she watched the blonde but before she knew it Naruto turned into the girl version of himself, naked with clouds covering himself. She laughed as she watched Iruka-sensei get a nosebleed and yell, "Cut the stupid tricks! This is your last warning!"

After the class was over, Iruka-sensei took Naruto to clean the Hokages faces. Himika usually would've hung out with Sasuke but he decided he needed to train especially hard today. As Himika walked back home she crossed over the grassy hill that overlooked the Yamakura compound and pond. She was looking up at the sky when she tripped and fell flat on her face. As she was turning around to see what she tripped over, she heard,

"What a drag. You're so troublesome." Shikamaru, she tripped over Shikamaru.

"You're one to talk! You're just laying there in the middle of a hill!" Himika yelled pointing at him.

Shikamaru opened one eye and looked at her.

"At least I look where I'm walking." He said and closed his eyes again. Himika glared at Shikamaru wondering how he can be so calm and relaxed all the time. After a couple minutes of glaring at Shikamaru, she decided to get up and leave. 

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