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"Working," Vicki walked away, blowing Jeremy off as Murphy sent him a pointed look while picking up a serving tray

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"Working," Vicki walked away, blowing Jeremy off as Murphy sent him a pointed look while picking up a serving tray.

"She's just busy working," he defended with an eye roll.

"I'm also working and yet I found the time to not be a total bitch to you," she said, walking away with the tray raised to her chest as she made her way to one of her tables. 

"Alright, can I get you anything else?" Murphy asked the couple sitting in her section after placing their food down, they shook their heads and thanked her, causing her to nod and walk away.

On her way back to the kitchen, Tyler reached out from his seat and grabbed her arm.

"Hey, Murphy-" she looked down at his hand, then to his face with a threatening glare, causing him to slowly retract it.

"Vicki's your server," she said, turning to walk away.

"I know, but I had a question," Tyler said as Matt cleared his throat,

"Hey, Murphy, long time no see," he greeted as she turned to him with a smile.

"Hey, did you change your hair?" She asked in a tone sweeter than both teens and ever heard from her.

"No," he smiled, running a hand through his blonde hair, her smile morphed into a grin.

"You should," his smile fell as Tyler's laughter made her expression drop, she turned back to him with a raised brow.

He asked for ketchup, making her turn around towards a free table, after retrieving it she slammed it down in front of Tyler and walked away.

"Thank you," she heard him call out, she rolled her eyes, stopping at the bar when she heard the end of Vicki and Jeremy's conversation.

"Hey, Vic," she stopped Vicki with a sincere expression, "I was thinking of trying my hand at hooking, are there any tips you've learned through the years that you wouldn't mind sharing?" Vicki scoffed and stormed away, sending Murphy a glare.

"Why are you such a dick to her?" Jeremy asked with a defeated expression, Murphy shrugged.

"Why is she such a dick to you?" She returned with an expectant look, making him sigh.

Murphy watched, mostly out of boredom, as Elena and Stefan walked into the restaurant together, she tapped Jeremy shoulder and nodded towards his sister, he looked over his shoulder with a disinterested expression.

Matt stood and walked over to the pair.

"You smell that?" She asked Jeremy, making him raise his brows in question, "Testosterone. Wait, no. Axe body spray," Jeremy smiled a little, but it dropped when he overheard Vicki giggling at something Tyler said, Murphy observed him with a frown before patting his arm, "You hungry?" She asked, only receiving a shrug in response.

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