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"Get up," Jeremy threw a pile of clothes at a sleeping Murphy, causing her to groan

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"Get up," Jeremy threw a pile of clothes at a sleeping Murphy, causing her to groan.

"Come on. I need you to take me to the hospital before school," he opened the curtains, letting in the sun as she pulled the blanket over her head.

"Fuck off," she responded in a raspy tone as he rolled his eyes and pulled the blanket away.

"Please. I'll give you money," he laid down next to her and begged, only receiving silence in return, "I'll stop asking about Colin," he offered, she sent him a glare and looked to the nightstand.

"Oh, my god, it's so early," she whined, staring at the clock as he dragged her out of bed by her hands.

She groggily made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth as she mentally cursed Jeremy and Vicki before reentering the room and taking Jeremy's cup of coffee, grimacing at the taste of black coffee and toothpaste.

"Turn," she spun her finger around, signaling for him to look away as she changed into the spare clothes she kept in his closet.

"As if I'm looking," he rolled his eyes and turned away, "nobody wants to see that."

"Plenty of people do," she smirked, "I bet I could even bag Vicki. Though, in your defense, that's not exactly hard," she snickered at his huff, imagining his angry face.

"Shut up," he demanded petulantly, crossing his arms.

"No, I mean, she did sleep with you and if you think about it, you get everything from me. My drugs, my taste in music, my style. So if Vic likes those things about you, she really just likes me," Murphy finished dressing with a smile, putting on her boots and grabbing her bag.

"You're an asshole," Jeremy turned around with a blank expression as her smile widened.

"You love it," she winked at him, earning an annoyed glare, laughing as he pushed her out of the room with a reluctant smile.


Murphy leaned back in her seat with her arms crossed over her chest as she slept and waited for Jeremy to finish visiting Vicki.

She suddenly startled awake as the passenger door slammed shut, causing her to open her eyes and look over to Jeremy as he buckled his seatbelt.

"What happened? How's the b- how's Donovan?" She asked as he frowned and looked towards the hospital's entrance with worry.

"She's gonna be fine, let's just get to school," she nodded and started the car as he leaned against the passenger side door.

"What do you think attacked her?" Jeremy wondered out loud after a few minutes of silence, Murphy shrugged as she pulled into the school's parking lot.

"No clue, but everyone should probably stay out of the woods."

Murphy stood as soon as the bell rang and collected her books before walking out of the classroom, trying to avoid bumping into the other students.

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