The Truth about me

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     Hi lovelies, how have you all been? it's been so long. The last time i actually wrote was on December 17th, i know right that has been so long. Before i forget Happy New Year lovelies, i know it's late but guys we are still in January. Ok now let's get into todays chat.

     I just want to be honest with you all because you guys mean more to me than just Wattpad readers, you are my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and my online friends. This site is one place where i feel like i can freely express my self and be honest. i haven't been writing on Wattpad because i had been so distracted from everything, from even God and the truth is i really hate this feeling. it first started by me feeling lonely in my faith then getting distracted by my job and even movies and putting those first before God. It felt so awful because i knew i shouldn't be living like this and i hated living like this but it felt like i had no control over my self as the time passed, yes i was still praying, yes i was still reading the word of God but not like before but i was letting my flesh take over, i was getting angry so easily at my family, i really had no control and then... it was like my fire for God had gone down. i knew who i truly wanted and needed was my heavenly father but how, i mean i prayed, but i guess i didn't give God that control, i keep saying i didn't have control but the truth is i didn't give GOD that control, i didn't give Jesus the wheel. I'm sorry lord. And God was still speaking to me through all these seasons and what i came to know was that God didn't need to come to me because he never left me, i was the one who distanced myself from him so i needed to come back to him. Thank you lord. i knew and felt that it was spiritual warfare because i knew that this wasn't me, i wasn't being myself ( I WILL TALK ON SPIRITUAL WARFARE SOON) and i give God all the praise and thank him that he has restored me, rescued me, healed me and brought me back to him. Thank you Father. 

     Sometimes we all go through seasons like this, but we forget that we can't overcome by our strength alone because we need the strength of God. We need to give back control to God. As believers and followers of Christ, the enemy will attack us but the battle is the lords so we need to push harder into our faith, into our relationship with God, put on the armor of God ( Read Ephesians 6) spend more time with God, seek him more at the time we don't feel like it at all because it is the enemy working. I am not going to come on here and pretend that my life is perfect and i don't struggle in my faith because i do but i know the lord is for me, i know the road will get bumpy sometimes but i also know that we also need to run this race set before us with endurance, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith ( Hebrews 12: 1-2). I know my hope and strength is found in Christ alone, my life is found in Christ alone, my identity is found in Christ alone, I am found in Christ alone and so are you in Jesus Name. Amen.

     So guys, i want you to know that living this faith life and being a follower of Christ is not all rainbows and sunshine but we know that Our Lord has overcome the world, he has defeated the enemy. So my lovelies, stay strong in your faith, hold onto your strong tower, Our Lord and God. And also focus on being the light in this dark world through Christ Jesus. The lord be with you all in Jesus Name. Amen. Remember God loves you




  see you again soon

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