Part VIII: Savior or Destroyer?

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I fire dust rounds into the horde of Grimm, switching every so often to turn it into a scythe and cut down one that comes too close. I don't know where Blake or Yang are, but I do know Yang went to go find Blake. Pyrrha is also missing, as well as Qrow, Ozpin, and Ms. Goodwitch. I hear shots from every direction. Those same shots are slowing down, but not because of the Grimm slowing down, but because they're either dying or running out of ammo. The horde began to close in on us. Soon, we find ourselves getting cornered. We can't do anything about it. Weiss is creating glyph after glyph to help soften impacts and to push the Grimm from us, but she's only tiring herself out. I only have one clip left. There's not much we can do but hold out now.

"We have to hold out-" I try to say, but the sound of an aircraft interrupts me. I look up, and quickly see a bullhead rushing toward us. "Uh, guys... look out!" I shout while pointing up.

"What the—" Professor Port yells back. I glance at Weiss and back to the bullhead. Glyphs surround the bullhead, trying to slow it down before it hits. Sadly, it didn't do much.

The bullhead smashes into the horde of Grimm, skittering across them like it's on an ice rink. A combination of smoke and the Grimm's final moments of life rise. Sparks fly and a small fire starts up. It finally stops almost straight in from of us. Hundreds of Grimm must've been crushed by the bullhead.

"W-what happened?" I ask no one. The door of the bullhead, which is now facing us due to the skittering, starts creaking. Suddenly, the door flies off its hinges past me. I notice an armored foot hit the opening of the door, and the figure it belonged to steps out of the flaming bullhead after. A man is on his shoulder. Then, the armored figure walks away from the bullhead. The DMR is in his free hand. With his only free hand holding the DMR, he shot at the Grimm that came too close. Each and every shot of his seems to hit their mark and consistently push the forces of Grimm farther and farther back. Blood drips from the chin of his helmet, but he just keeps walking toward us.

"N-Noble Six!"


I look off into the distance, from the bullhead's clear windshield. Smoke billows in the distance. Beacon is falling.

"Top speed. We can't wait," I notify the pilot.

"Understood," he says simply.

I go to the back of the aircraft once more. I look at all of my equipment, checking them carefully. Suddenly, a cry of both terror and pain erupts from the pilot's station. I swiftly run toward the pilot and immediately see a woman with emerald hair and dark skin looking over the now dead pilot's likely corpse. I almost pull the trigger of the DMR, but instead charge the woman, shoving the butt of my rifle into her head. Yet, she dodges. Her arm spins around to hit be, but I bring up my arm and attempt to grab hers. In that second, I notice how her body seems to go around me and passed me. I still rush her, using both my arms, dropping the DMR in the process. As the metal clanks against metal, my arms grapple the feminine form. I keep her in my arms, and continue pushing her toward the holding area. I maneuver her so that I can throw her. When I finish—it took a while longer due to her moving around—I throw her against the side door. I immediately plant my foot on her bare stomach when she hits the floor. Thinking quickly, I force the doors open and before she could get up, I grab her. Yet, it 's like I am grabbing nothing. She's not in my grasp, but I-m sure I did grab her. I glance at my hands, noticing they are still wrapped around something. I shove her out of the bullhead with the doors closing seconds later. I look down to see the ground coming closer.

The doors slam shut, as I sprint back to the pilot. He isn't dead, but unconscious. I force him out of the chair, and sit down myself. These controls, they're different than anything I've flown or drove. I'll need to wing it. I look out of the windshield. We're going down, and fast at that. I don't have much time to make it out of this. I try testing out the controls with each time having the bullhead jerk heavily. All of the sudden, an alarm starts blaring. I look for some sort of reason only to find out that a wing caught fire at some point. I glance at out the side of the windshield to see just that. Smoke is flying from the right wing. "Damn," I say to myself. I would jump off and lock my armor, but that would be leaving the pilot for a fiery death. I go back to the controls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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