Part II: A Tour and a Lesson

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We arrive at a sort of city. It's not necessarily small, but I've seen much bigger. A few minutes later, we come to a sort of shipping area where largish ships are. As we lose distance to one, they climb aboard one. It reminds me of our Falcons minus artillery. I board as well. I noticed I had gotten many strange looks from people, but they seemed to just shrug me off. I stand the whole ride as the three have small talk. Eventually, we land and Qrow speaks, "Alright, I'll report to Ozpin while you two go back to classes." Ruby practically pounces on him with a surprising amount of force, then walks away with Yang. Qrow motions me to follow him and I do as told. We walk up to a sort of tower. We pass a counter, but he barely bats an eye. He heads toward to what I assume is an elevator. We walk into it and he sends us up.

"I'll start talking first and then answer any questions he or I have."

"Understood." I answer simply. I stare at him for no real reason besides lack of color. I hear a ding and the door of the risen elevator opens.

"Ah, Qrow-" a voice resounds, but stops as he sees me, "And who would this be?" He has grey hair and white clothing.

"He calls himself Noble Six. I do believe he is the cause for the uproar of Grimm in the specified area." Qrow responds as he brings out a canister. He takes a drink from it after finishing his speech.

"And what makes you think this?"

"He began ranting to himself and seemed incredibly stress. Not only that, but I do feel as if he is insane as he talks of this planet called 'Reach' that we all live on."

My eyes dart to the two of them, "I'm not even ten feet away from you. Hold your tongue until I can't hear you." I look at Qrow plainly. I sense the agitation in him.

"As I was saying, he's the only piece of evidence of life that would make sense."

"I see..." He looks at me and stands. He walks around his desk and comes near to me. He outstretches him arm to me, "My name's Ozpin." I grab his hand, making sure not to put any pressure into it. "I am the professor of this academy. Welcome to Beacon." We retrieve our hands and he retreats back to his desk. Quite the gentlemen, I must say. "Tell me, who are you?"


After the grueling process that was re-explaining who and what I am and my history, Ozpin asks me for a more formal introduction.

"Formal? Hadn't we already done that?" I ask.

"No, no. I mean a name. The one you were given at birth. I would like to even see your face unless you wore a helmet to keep your identity a secret."

I sigh and remove the helm from my head, holding it at my side with one hand, "With all due respect, I cannot give an entire name. I haven't the slightest as to what my last name is. I don't even know if my first name is truly correct. Dr. Halsey called me (F/N)-B312. I'm twenty-years old."

The two stare at me for numerous moments. Finally, Qrow speaks up, "What are we to do with him?"

"I say we have him attend this academy." Ozpin announces.

"What?!" both Qrow and I react with. Why would he want me to attend here?

"Well, with the fact that you don't really know where you are, I can't just send you loose. Not to mention, you show true hunter characteristics, being able to dispatch them with ease." Ozpin starts, "It will also allow you to learn of Remnant's past and what inhabit it as well. You could also become a valuable Hunter." He pauses, "What do you say?"

"Okay, first of all, I can't be the only one suspecting foul play here. Second of all, why would you be so willing to have someone here when you've only just met them?" I answer, having already experienced a similar time with someone else.

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